NeW YeaR AwarenesS

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by longliveKING143, Jan 1, 2017.

  1. Dear All,
    Happy new year to you and your family.
    This post to to bring forward something i realised today.
    Many people whole around the world spends alot on FIREWORKS. But in this same world there are many children who suffer to have their meal and education. Than spending on those FIREWORKS.We can spend for some of them. This post is not to harm or hurt any. If im wrong im sorry.thank you
  2. because of this from now on i wont spend money on leisure stuff, ill donate it all and live miserably but at least im helping others
  3. Realest quote right there
  4. ?
  6. That moment when op is in a cat club :/

  7. Smh.. So don't buy fireworks, but spend real money on pixel cats on a freemium phone app , seems legit
  8.  this thread should be just locked here
  9. Good Point. I will try to smoke less and donate more.
  10. Op, are you?
  11. this went well
  12. I shall be a slave to poor people
  13. though he meant it, i can't tell he's telling a truth or joke...
  15. I hate pirotecnia, so support.
  16. sarcasm