Asian Campus Parade

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Creator-INK, Dec 30, 2016.

  1. This event will taking place in ASIAN CAMPUS, on December 31st 2016, 11:35 pm SGT.
    Or simply you can check, by the time 31st December 2016, 11:35pm SGT, the PIMD Stories Clock [A Roaring New Year, Tess’s Task] will be at 3 Days 4:24:00



    1. Maximum post by player are 3 posts with DIFFERENT banner each posts
    2. Time interval to post your banner is 5 seconds – 10 seconds from last banner posted in campus, this to avoid Campus Chat moving too fast, so everyone will be able to enjoy the banner you made.
    3. If you saw someone posted similar banner with yours please waiting 5 minutes before start posting your banner

    Detailed instruction will be posted on pm/wall

    If all according to the plans, this parade will last for 5 minutes.

    If any mods have a question regarding this event rules, please wall/add me. We don’t want any misunderstanding about the rule of this event
  2. New year……
    Happy Birthday Inky
  3. whats the point of the event anyway ? :roll:
  4. Is this not organized group spam?
  5. :lol:
    Oh thank god I missed it , there's about 265,869 other things I'd rather do than spend New Years watching a bunch of losers spam wc (hmmmmm=parade? :lol: )on a phone app :?
  6. What's the point of you playing a game? We do this for fun and tonight was really fun, Seeing players following our parade and keep wishing happy new year :)
  7. We have different content each posts :)
  8. It was really fun and colorful so don't hate [​IMG]
  9. It's not Asian campus, it's the Irish campus :roll:
  10. Congrats on this event ?
  11. Disgusting amount of negativity on this thread. Some people really are just mean. Cool event Ink. ?
  13. Welcome to forums. You should have seen it back in 2012 ;) worse would have been said back then.
  14. It was really fun ink.... N I guess people who r posting negative comments truly lack in creative idea to make the game more fun :D
    What we did was something new , different , n u Guys should encourage us to conduct such eve's in future and also find more ways to enjoy the game :D
  15. I have never enjoyed parade's in my life.Besides,y'all spamming in WC was useless.Try making a post-parade survey :)
  16. What kind of banners were posted? Like happy new year ones or like club ones?
  17. Next time can you please include us from US campus ;)? You could have had it last longer than 5 mins prob if you didn't limit it to asian campus and three clubs. (Just a tip from someone who has organized events and such within the community).

    Happy new year though. ?
  18. Thanks Meagan!!! N yup we'll keep that in mind :D