6 Years

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Corey, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. Post here if you have yours.

    I really like the look of the purple!
  2. Someone Stoll mine while I was waiting at the bus stop:(
  3. Only have 5! But I'm getting there 
  4. i dont even have one :(
  5. Can't relate
  6. Post how stagnant your life has been for 6 years..... That's what op is trying to say
  7. My life's been pretty crazy for 5 years, I'd say 
  8. I am proud you put up with devs crap for so long! :)
  9. 6 year award and such low stats !! Says it all
  10. Just like your 200 days played explains a lot 
  11. Omg Shan, you're back, and staying forever ‍♂️

  12. ? A lower Mcs player Attempts to laugh at a higher MCS player over stats 

  13. I mean I wouldn't say "foreva eva"
  14. ...What does it say? I'm curious
  16. Same
  17. Close to 6…

    For all those who judge, my stats are so low cause I'm only on here for rs and rp 
  18. Matter of fact, don't listen to me, I'm drunk 
  19. Waiting for 7th year award lol