Childish War — Prequel

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Rhetorical, Dec 18, 2014.

  1. Childish War — Prequel

    This is more character/plot background for my other story Childish War than anything else. I seem to have developed a serious case of Tell, not Show, while writing this. Bleh. Enjoy the serious grammar/sentence flow problems.

    Chapter Un

    Glen Wyatt Olivierre was never fond of people to begin with.

    They often made his head ache and his teeth clench. Many were much too noisy for his tastes. Their voices held not enough depth, and wasted air as the owners spoke about irreverent matters.

    "Lol," A robotic voice echoed in his earpiece for what seemed to be the thousandth time, "I hope sumthing actually happns 2day!"

    Other robotic voices joined in, begging for Glen's entertainment. As usual, Glen regarded them with a sigh and ignored the plea. He was already tired today, and hadn't happened upon anyone in a week. Most of his siblings had gone into hiding the minute they entered the War. Scared and alone, they only ventured out when they felt hungry.

    Of course, Glen took delight in the absolute silence of his siblings. None of them bothered him. Although, in the off chance Glen did stumble across his poor siblings, they often ended up dead.

    By age eighteen, Glen had already killed five of his siblings, and was feared the most throughout the remaining. Revealing themselves to him would be a suicide mission. And so, he resorted to wandering the halls alone. He lived in the Olivierre mansion like he was the only resident.

    His only concern was what happened while he slept. Surely, a braver sibling would take his chance and off him then. And so, Glen tended to change his sleeping place, often resorting to high and bizarre places. This habit was also handy in finding his siblings — he often stumbled upon their hiding spots, and, more often than not, took the chance to wipe them out then and there.

    Surely, it was no big deal. What was a dead sister to him?

    Glen Wyatt Olivierre was never fond of his siblings to begin with.