What do you want for Christmas ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by 00_Eli, Dec 25, 2016.

  1. What I want for christmas is a red ryder bb gun with a compass in the stock and this thing which tells time.

    Wow that's great.
  2. World peace. Jokes. An iPad. If not iTunes gift cards or just regular gift cards.
  3. The last of us 2 thats all i want
  4. A beautiful bong and some good kush
  5. A handle of Jagermeister and a handle of fireball and I'll be pretty happy.
  6. 22-24-26 Brazilian body wave
  7. O I thought giraffes were your thing
  8. Convert my pimd funds into RL funds
  9. Yass 

  11. Smart!
  12. Cackling :lol:
  13. Same tbh. A fire unit. I don't mess with leave out.
  14. Yess
  15. My will to live to be stronger 
  16. Danker memes