(Game) would you rather?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by expIicit, Dec 18, 2016.

  1. Yes, the title says it all. I dont know if it have been done before and I'm too lazy to search it. So the game we boutta play is:


    The rules are simple: you will be asked to choose between to options and which one you would rather do.

    Hope y'all have fun with it and let's keep it clean please. Thank you~

    So let's start this!

    Would you rather lose all your money OR your entire wardrobe? ?
  2. Lose all my money. My wardrobe is a cultivated work of art near and dear to my heart.

  3. Psychotic thoughts like this is surely gonna mess up the game. Quit it minster!
  4. Drugs?

    Would you rather live your life normally or meet me :')
  5. Live life normally.

    Would you rather rather or rather be rather?
  6. Rather as who wants to be second option gosh ️

    Would you rather have eat poo that tasted of chocolate or chocolate that tasted of poo.
  7. Poo that tasted of chocolate

    Would you rather kick a door with a toothpick underneath your toenail or lie on a bed of nails
  8. Kick a door with toothpick underneath my toe nail

    Would you rather meet your fav celebrity in real life or eat as much food as you want and never get fat?
  9. Eat food.

    Would you rather be extremely talented at something you hate or mediocre at everything?
  10. Talented on something i hate.

    Would you rather fall off a plane or get stuck in space?
  11. Fall of a plane

    Would you rather be stuck in a small cage with 30 great white sharks for 2 days or fight 6 deadly snakes with a spoon, winning 2Million Euros if accomplished.
  12. Bruh I'd kill them snakes so quick

    Would you rather eat dog food or cat food? 
  13. Cat food, coz I already have it at home.

    Would you rather eat a cockroach or a poop fly?
  14. Cockroach ?

    Would you rather slam your toe on a door or eat nails for breakfast?
  15. Slamy toe.

    Would you rather eat your sibling's ass or get your ass eaten by your sibling?
  16. Get my ass eaten.

    Would you rather drink the punch your friend peed in or drink the punch a stranger peed in? ?
  17. My friend because none of em have diseases as far as I know.

    Would you rather live in an all glass house or an all stone house with no windows?
  18. Glass house 

    Would you rather change your last name to Hitlèr or never eat chocolate again?
  19. I'd change my last name to Hitler any time of the day.

    Would you rather lose both your thumbs or lose your tongue?
  20. Lose both of my thumbs.

    Would you rather kiss a spider or lick the toilet bowl.