
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HAA_Soldier, Dec 12, 2016.

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  1. Honestly, it doesn't matter anymore. Fo someone who "never hits anyone up first," caps on my name on an alt in WC, who ignores someone fo days and rejects their gifts, you sure seem to not kno. Or how about all da "baby daddies," who always end up being racist hillbillies, who really don't respect women. Wait, that's not even the braziest thing. Always siding against me, avoiding certain key questions, or trying to make me seem like a bad guy. How about last night, trying to belittle me and inferring me being things that don't even describe me. I took hits from a future club mate just fo tryna claim yo wall. Tell me this, was I not nice and kind to you? Everyone knew I liked you. Even tho I got curved at first and didn't seem like a good guy, I proved myself to you. I avoided my usual expectations and standards, yo. I apologized whenever I was wrong, even tho whenever you were wrong, I never accepted one. So like I've said before, why do you care to comment so much when I'm involved in something? You was posed to be my rs, look at you now. I mean, personally, Ion't let these type of situations get to me, cause, in da famous words of Diddy... What don't break a (can't say the word) make a (can't say the word.)
  2. No one is worthy of respect until they earn it fam.
  3. I learn da difficult way
  4. Both genders of the human species are equally worthless. Can we leave it at that and just call it a day?
  5. No, ur worthless. Now lets call it a day.
  6. No, I want a fight first
  7. Triggered
  8. All day every day ?
  10. LMAO talk about butthurt. ?
  11. Well this threat is just a basket full of grenades now isn't it
  12. and i'm the nuke^
  13. He nuked me in the face yesterday. Then had the cheek to not help me clean up

    Respect Goes both ways boyo. I do the deed you help me when I'm in need ?
  14. 
  15. No... See, here comes another GIRL
  16. Again, I am straight so that's not possible. You do you tho.
  17. So supporting my friends post makes me a girl ?? hmm interesting. And what you mean here comes I was already commenting before I never left. Keep up mate
  18. You changed yo gender now?
  19. Did you just admit to assuming my gender ? How dare you
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