
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by HAA_Soldier, Dec 12, 2016.

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  1. That's kinda generalizing. Not all men are the same
  2. Reread what I said carefully. I mentioned the good and bad ones in different categories.
  3. No. Stop saying nonsensical off topic things please.
  4. Thank you
  5. Do you want one or not?
  6. :roll:
  7. I'm sorry. I was really rude, and now Ion't wanna argue or have any beef wit any females.
  8. Roll your eyes if you must, but that is the truth!
  9. Nope, just here for the discourse ️ i know my own worth, and lemme tell you, it aint some insincere backhanded apology.
  10. As a feminazi, I was instantly triggered by the title of this post.

    No support.

  11. Daisy it's your opinion and I respect it. For me all men are the same it just depends on different things I've seen guys that are really bad and treat just that one woman like a queen note he's still bad just not to the one he loves.
  12. At the same time there's men, who are good to literally almost everybody.
  13. Sounds like you make Santas pole rigid with your cold heart to me ️
  14. Damn. Let's all just love one another
  15.  good one
  16. This pathetic excuse of an "apology" was quite humorous. You're clearly showing no remorse for your actions, but at least you got me to smile. ?

  17.  I'll admit that was a good one made me LOL
  19. No you don't. This is very sincere and not backhanded. You couldn't begin to comprehend how needed and priceless females are. Can you fathom reality being what it should be?
  20. That's me until a female disrespects me
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