Random survey

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Responsibilities, Dec 12, 2016.

  1. Who do you guys think is the most hated and loved forumer in pimd?
  2. You are the most loved. Forums cannot live without you, you are so sweet, make quality content like this magnificent thread, you are helpful and very funny bro.
  5. Does it matter ? Why're you so much into it ?
  6. Dang that's hard.

    It's between me and lostguy?

    I'll say me.

    Honourable mention is wolf for his comics
  7. Thanks
  8. Most loved is Kelon. Most hated is everyone else.
  9. It doesn't ... Just wondering if my guess is right :)
  10. Spitfire. Where is he ?
  11. I just don't think about PIMD especially the Forum section of it.
  12. I'm the most loved
    And Alice is the most loved, by me;)
  13. Spitfire- loved also
  14. I'll say  wolf most love hated idk those that come to forum to whine but at the same time makes us laugh I'm not sure ?
  15. I love vice ?
  16. Daisy

    Not fanboying though ?
  17. Oh ?
  18. Overrated
  19. Too many losers we hate
    Too many good people we like.

    There can never be 1
  20. Most hated is someone who got banned from pimd forum