Calling all k-pop fandoms on here! (ARMY, EXO-L, Blackjacks, VIP's, Sones etc.) Remember to stream your favourites MV's. Bigbang has a new MV coming out and EXO has a Christmas album coming out too ^^~ I doubt they'll be any kpop lovers on here because all I've accounted so far are 30 year roleplay lovers but lmao. K-pop FIGHTING ^^x
since i was linked to this thread anyway ? highkey army, lowkey igot7 ️ edit: also a mino/bobby/zico stan. cri when will mobb reappear
Bultaoreune I love mobb omg but I hate yg and zico is lowkey a king of visuals actually the whole of block b are kings of visuals
So much ARMYs and IGOT7s on here wooow ? KYUNGSOO IS THE MOST PERFECT BEAN, he was basically my first ult
I havent listened to kpop in forever but i mainly stan girl groups. Aoa, gfriend, lovelyz, twice, black pink, 9muses, 2ne1 and a few more but these are the ones that come to mind.
hah i cant stand sm either so it works... zico is ? bae asf + block b's music is ? bae asf + im lowkey upset mobb didnt win best collab but it's w.e i want more from them tho (also coughs speaking of visuals, all of bts and all of bigbang)