Who has boxer protecting them? Lmao, can't handle y'all own battles? One troll has all of you in y'all feelings fo my entertainment? Y'all make me look like da greatest troll ever.
You're the eptiome of pathetic. None of you will ever amount to greatness. I've earned my title. It's cute how much you all struggle to stop 1 troll
If you're referring to me simply because boxer is my pup you're sadly mistaken, they only hired me recently and i don't speak to them at all ? they have no reason to protect me. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they just don't like you (you're pretty detestable lets be real) instead of protecting someone?
Let's be real, I'm not detestable as you have lied. Why would boxer, who I've seldomly spoken to in da past, want beef wit me? Unless some as pitiful as you wants protection. Don't try to lie to me
JACO LOL YOU ACTUALLY THINK I GOT MY PUP TO FARM YOU? LMAO That was funny, nice joke you should be a comedian. Listen, if i wanted to farm you i would have done it myself by now. Also, you're very detestable, look at every time you make a thread, you get talked down to. It's sad but not sad enough for me to feel bad for you.