Pin Showcase Items

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jessica_Is_The_Name, Nov 28, 2016.

  1. Not sure if a thread like this has been made. If so please ignore 

    Lately I've been going through other people's and my own showcase and seeing some old hunt items that I think are really cool.
    I think we should be able to pin a few or even 1 item to our account to be seen at the top of our showcase when on our profile.
    A few people I've talked to have supported so let me know 
  2. that a good idea... but i doubt ppl will support it
  3. Support because what's even the point on bothering to get a rare item that will soon go to lose in that endless ocean showcase is these days?
  4. Plus it'd be a cool way to some what decorate your profile a bit.
  5. Support
  6. Support?
  7. SUPPORT 
  8. No support.
    Having the most recent hunt items/gifts at the top of our showcase allows us to determine if a player is active or not.IMO
  9. Support! We should have an ultimate showcase (apart from the showcase) where we place in items we want to show off.
  12. Support also I saw you Conner 
  13. support because
  14. ? I messed up on my quoting so I had to delete it