Another forum game

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PsychoticDisorder, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. so let's play

    Post your:

    Attacks won /lost
    Defenses won/lost

    Here's mine 2488/637
  2. Wew.. this thread blew up

    I just checked mine and realised I'm bad at remembering numbers
    31k /250
  3. Where's the game part
  7. How is this a game?
  8. Yw for getting some of those defenses up, whoever started this post. ?
  10. Down the road,over the bridge take a left,you'll find it there.
  11. Game? Where?
  12. between yer wans legs
  13. You are going back to blocked because of yor crapy game ideas
  14. Someone post mine for me. I'm lazy
  15. ? o wow
  16. 164,003 / 1,546
    2,563 / 3,411