Gift bombs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by stonerchild, Nov 21, 2016.

  1. We should get gift bombs again
  2. I support ? I miss gift bombs.
  3. support minus the painful lag
  5. I have a feeling they will return soon, for a short period of course
  6. What is a gift bomb
  7. Were you ever stoned as a child
  8. #️⃣Support
  9. Sure, why not? Another server blowup wouldn't hurt :lol:

  10. no we are fine
  11. When gift bombs gave (100hypnocats) but they change it to 1 good times :lol:
  12. 100% support! Gift bombs, half price cats/kini, and 5x cc payout just like last year.
  13. That would be awesome. I support gift bombs. Take it to wc with #SupportGiftBombs