Cat Wars

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nemo, Nov 16, 2016.

  1. Cat Wars
    Throughout the Years on pimd, wars and events for wars have diminished.

    So I propose an event sign up your club to join the Cat War, The winning club will receive 6 cats second will receive 3 and third will get 1.

    Each war will be a locked 1 day war without mercs. All teams will fight if you lose your out if you win you move on.

    Requirements the owner of a club to sign up
    2.minimums of 8 clubs before it starts
    3.No mercs

    If it fills up fast I might change it up a bit and add more cats
  2. Unfortunate that you had to change it up and include a money prize since people won't war for fun nowadays.

    However, good luck with it!
  3. Ikr haha thanks
  4. If it bring back wars good idea I'll sign up
  5. This is just so sad.... the idea of war is perfect but none interested, even with 10 HYPNOCATS for a prize.... R.I.P war....
  6. Not many people will war because ATA does back to back hunts and omg people can't stop partying cause they need the super cool looking ones with the high stats that'll never get used but this is a awesome idea ? R.I.P wars you'll sadly be missed 
  7. I'm sure if this was for a party not a war it would be on page 100+
  8. Even with cats people aren't interested....

    That's sad
  9. Agree
  10. Cool, don't worry clubs will sign up eventually
  11. Do u think how many days passed since he posted this thread? And still no club sign up for this war...
  12. I figured with black Friday soon clubs would of
  13. Hush kotty

    I'd join but I'm just one person lol :(
  14. I'd join but I'm too lazy to party or war
  15. I'm down to war if it happens after the 25th (got final exam that date). Let me know with anticipation to join any club signed that has spots.