
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *WombRalder (01), Nov 16, 2016.

  1. where's the drama? ? Y'all need to wake up and feed me the latest drama. a man does not simply procrastinate on his essay just for nothing. wake up pls.
  2. Smh. Do your homework
  3. you're not my mom. I am a strong, independent, and attractive African-American
  4. Stop stealing my lines ?
  5. Maybe if you somehow made an alt and talked to yourself that way ?it might be funnier because people might not know it's you talking to yourself
  6. I stole your name. like I stole your heart. and your thong. ?
  7. Nobody is talking to themselves :roll: he's just a noob that keeps stealing my name

    Don't even spread that rumor @op LMAO. You're gonna make me go to prison smh
  8. ^Welcome back to forums flocc :)
  9. wb Flocci!
    yk, u shouldn't disappear for so long. we've actually had to follow Noob's posts for entertainment!


    oh, hi, Noob! idk what that means!
  12. Wow im not gonna lie, I actually didnt notice that was an alt at first.
  13. Me neither lmao
  14. I fell off the back of a turnip truck and I'm in a coma as a consequence.
  15. I don't even talk like he does :(
  16. Ewww

    But on the bright side, u have a fan. So. That's flattering eh? Ehhhhhhh?