Selfie Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by ChristianAdams, Mar 27, 2016.

  1. You can't post here w/o a selfie

  2. Sorry im too ugly to face the camera :')

  3. Tired but.. Here you go ?btw i hope everyone is having a good day and big smiles ? Love everyone
    - Gabby
  4. your eyebrows remind me of lego
    Buwbuw likes this.
  5. 
  6. [​IMG] My lips always look swollen
  7. Donut drag the eyebrows into this :/
    I suck at doing them :cry:
    One stroke of the pencil and they're like caterpillars.. ?
  8. Bruh you're gorgeous ?

    Brb sliding in ? jk. Your brows give me life kbai
  9. :( rip brows
  10. Thankyou & my dms always open
  11. Careful, you better take that back or else you gonna have alot of thirstys in your dms
  12. Does mommy and daddy know you swear like that online?
    Buwbuw likes this.
  13. Y'all so funny
  14. Um you did a bypass noob, if the mods see it you will probably get forum banned for X amount of time. So yes, it is pretty funny
  15. I'm shaking in my boots
  16. Doubt she'd care about getting forum banned on this game ?
    Buwbuw likes this.
  17. Man, I'm not worried about any of y'all. I'll keep it pretty✌?️
  18. Watchout for @EBK_Jaco 