Setting A small street in Indiana Falls, it is cold outside, snow is coming down from the sky. It is 11:17 pm. The kids on the street are sleeping. Time Present Day A girl and a guy are in the couch watching a movie. The girl is Ellie Sinders. She is 15 years old. Petite with medium silky brown hair. She has a caramel colored skin and bright brown eyes. The guy next to her is Denzel Peters. He is 18. Talk with a muscular build with short blonde hair. He has peach colored skin and vibrant green eyes. His arms are wrapped around Ellie. They both laugh at the movie they are watching. Denzel: I'm glad you invited me.(smiles) Ellie: I'm glad too. (smiles back and pecks his cheek) Denzel: This movie is pretty boring Ellie: Really? I love this movie.. Denzel: I dont see why, the jokes are pretty amateur, a little childish Ellie: So, you wanna watch an adult movie? Denzel: (shrugs) It doesn't have to be an ADULT movie, it can be an action movie, another comedy. Ellie: Sure, I think my mom has some Denzel: Hey, I have a question Ellie: Yeah? Denzel: Your 18 and your still with your parents.. why won't you just move with me? Ellierolls her eyes) I already told you this Denzel: Yeah but your 18, your an adult. And adults don't live with their parents Ellie: Yes they do, my parents understanding my money crisis. Denzel: But they don't understand why you can't stay with me? Why are you hanging on to your parents like your a child. You won't get a beating for leaving Ellie:{In her head- Yes I would} I know, but I'm trying to get on my OWN feet, I want to be an independent woman and find my own way around things, not the easy way Denzel: See, thats what I'm talking about... Ellie: What? Denzel: You wanna be independent but you live with your parents. And who on this God given Earth, would pass the opportunity to get things the easy way. Who refuses the easy way and does the hard way? Who?!? Ellie: Calm done my parents are asleep. Denzel: (sighs) Ellie: Listen babe, if you really love me, then you'll understand that I do want to live with you, but I need my head in the right place and you pressuring me isn't going to make this go any faster. Denzel: (looks at Ellie and sighs) Your right.. I've been pressuring you. But I live you and I want you to be with me ALL the time. Ellie: In time Denzel, just wait Denzel: Alright. But there is another matter in which I want to bring up. Ellie: Like what? Denzel: Like us, making love... Ellie: I...I can't Denzel.. Denzel: But why are you making me wait so long? You told me your not a virgin so why keep it from me? Ellie: I know, it's just my past relationships are pretty bad. Denzel: We've been together since we were both 16 years old. Ellie:{Actually you were 16, I was 13..} Yeah.... Denzel: So what past relationships are you talking about? Ellie: I don't want to talk about it. Denzel: You never wanna talk about anything.. Ellie: What is there to talk about? Denzel: I don't know Ellie... everything Ellie: I've told you everything you needed to know! Denzel: That's everything I needed to know, not WANTED to know! Ellie: Jeez your so annoying. I just want to sit back and watch a simple movie with the guy I love, but instead we're right back to you pressuring me to do things again. Denzel: I mean seriously what's the hold up? We've been together 3 years and you still don't trust me enough to stay with me...or- Ellie: Oh come on that's bull and you know it! Denzel: No, it's Truth, just admit you don't trust me and I'll forget about this. Ellie: Jeez you act like a 12 year old seriously! Denzel: Great! Now I'm acting like a 13 year old because I want you to admit you don't trust me? Ellie:I do trust you, I never said I didn't trust you. Denzel: But that's how you portray it! Like you have no trust for me at all. Ellie: Great so I'm the bad guy?!? Denzel: In This situation! YES! Ellie:YOUR THE ONE TRYING TO PERSUADE ME TO HAVE SEX AND MOVE IN TO YOUR STUPID APARTMENT! I DON'T WANT TO MOVE IN EITH YOU AND I DON'T WANT TO OPEN MY LEGS TO YOU. AND IT'S THE SIMPLE FACT THAT YOU DO DRUFF LIKE THIS THAT MAKE ME ABSOLUTELY AND COMPLETELY HATE YOU! Denzel: ........fine..I'm outta here (grabs coat from arm rest on couch and plops it on leaving through the back door slamming the door behind him) Ellierubs head) Great...