Once upon a time lived a midget, a little boy, a warlock, and a potato. They, together, lived in an expansive cave accepting everyone that wanted to live there. The midget, little boy, warlock, and potato bonded very closely as they lived together in the cave with 40 others for four months. Everything in the cave and their community went well, until one dreadful day a spineless Knight decided he wanted to live in the cave. With the Knight's huge ego and lust for power none of the members of the community liked the Knight. Little by little the midget got closer and closer and bonded with the knight. Over time the midget and the knight started dating, not knowing of the future the community accepted their relationship.Little by little the midget started adapting the Knights personality, becoming egotistical and power thirsty. Little by little the midget grew apart from the Warlock, eventually making the Warlock leave the cave. Too scared to do anything the community didn't stop the midget nor the Knight letting both of them get rid of the little boy and potato, putting the knight over the midget's best friends.