Really?? Because 1, I don't care, and 2, as soon as you found out I was mixed, you were in my dms, so ?? ?
No, you're just fake. Ion't want any communication between us. Don't mention my name either. Ion't kno you. I have no idea what kefo did to make you switch up, buhh Ion't like it. You sided wit da 40 year old predator who wants you to think dat he ain't lonely and dat he's under 20. Sure, I love Latinas, but never, would I ever try to break up a marriage. Ig, real people are going even mo extinct year by year
Lol he didn't do anything I just thought it was funny, because it's true. We don't talk, and probably never will. And fake, how??? But whatever floats your boat. Have a good day
We don't talk cause I stopped hyu. We was cool, now you want to side wit him, when he's a future registered offender. Idec, yo
I only speak properly so they can understand me. I don't actually talk properly. I rather be myself. If you're stickin up fo dem tho, kudos to you
I don't get why spelling things correctly is a means to justify your education level.. I have some homies who don't spell things right and turned out to be hella smart. Maybe Jaco could be the same ?. He sounds like he'd be street smart tho ?