Reasons why Hilary lost Miserably (Warning this is long and I didn't cover everything lol) I have watched the last two elections previous to this current one. During the Obama/Cain race and the Obama/Romney race there is one thing available that was not present in this election. Demographics. Throughout night I never saw the percentages of minorities or women who voted Trump or Hilary. They never showed the percentage of millennials who voted Trump, Hilary, or other. This is but one factor that will tie in later to the explanation. (Aka it has not even started yet) Even a quick search on Google now search results on that are not as easy to look up, and I couldn't come up with concrete data. Why she lost 1. Email scandal Hilary Clinton was under investigation from the FBI through out the entire primaries. Millions of USA citizens saw that she was a threat to US security. When the FBI declared no indictment should be done, almost HALF of the people in the country believed this was incorrect and that she should be jailed. People SAW that the Department of Justice and FBI were not being impartial. The very person who would have been the one to indict her was a family friend . It's not that the FBI truly believe no charges should be made, but the DoJ actually told the FBI that nothing could be proved in court. So the FBI did nothing. My personal opinion is she is guilty and she should be in prison. (So should Donald) Again half of the country saw through this and believed she belonged in jail too. 1. Strong ties to corruption This one isn't difficult. If you look at the Clinton Foundation, when someone gave a large sum of money, that very same person or group would receive benefits. That's pay-for-play corruption that people are sick and tired of. Almost everyone in this country is tired of this corruption because it has created a society where not only do the rich get richer but the common people have little say in the legislation that gets passed. Which against the very idea of democracy. Not much needs to be explained here. 1. Weak candidate Overall, she did fine in the debates but she was overall a weak candidate. Her ads against Donald Trump were weak. People didn't care if Trump cussed, made fun of disabled people, insulted veterans, and has proven he was a perpetrator of assault on women (sorry cannot say real term, pimd's filter). Hilary had no solid platform and no real message was being broadcast. Donald had his slogan "Make White Great Again" but it was something, and he motivated people. Hilary just kept fear mongering, which did not work as much as his tactics. She didn't have anything stable to work with. People want change, she didn't offer any; meanwhile, Donald did. 1. Rigging the primaries Huge reason she lost support. Throughout the primaries it was clear to Bernie supporters saw it was rigged. Polling times being cut, registrations being changed when someone has been Democrat their whole lives, biased media coverage, DNC bias, very few debates and more. When the primaries were rigged in front of our faces, Bernie supporters either fled to Trump, went third party or didn't vote at all? Why is this? The answer should be obvious. People don't like being tied down, beaten, then why would they provide support to the very persons who tied you down? If you want support from someone, you do not cheat them. This is why I believe she lost a huge demographic she needed, millennials. Millennials have not experienced a country where someone like Trump wins, so we said "screw you". 1. Not appealing to Bernie supporters This refers to the previous point. One thing Bernie Sanders said was that he had no control over his own movement. He excited millions of people into a movement. A movement Hilary and the Democratic Party was against. When Bernie was beat, yes, he fought for her but doing this went against the very values he was campaigning from the start. Bernie supporters saw this and jumped ship. The movement Bernie created was not about Bernie himself it was about the people and the policies, and the DNC did not understand this. Instead, only the policies looked like they were being more left "liberal" to bow down to the demands of Bernie and his supporters. Regardless, Bernie supporters saw this as a fake attempt to get more votes. Not once did I see Hilary try to get Bernie supporters. It is the person's who were going to vote Clinton that were doing all that work. Furthermore, Bernie supporters were harassed for their stance, called sexist and violent. If you want someone's support, you don't insult them especially when most if not all of them are quite the opposite of what you are portraying them to be. 1. Republican primaries During the primaries one thing was evident, the Republican Party consistently talked about Hilary Clinton. They were finding a candidate that they believed would be best for beating Hilary. At the very mention of Bernie on the Republican debate stage, people laughed and the topic was consistently brought to talking about beating Hilary. So essentially when the Democratic Party rigged the primaries for Hilary to win, they were giving the Republican who they wanted to beat. In all of the predictive polls Hilary vs ANY of the Republican candidates was a close race. When Bernie Sanders was polled against ANY of the Republican candidates, he was winning by 10 points or more. He clearly would have won this election if he was the nominee. 1. Other People felt cheated by the system and they saw Hilary as a fake persona who not only lied about her stances but couldn't be trusted. People saw her stance on the TPP from before the election and knew that she was still for it (even though she has said through this election she was against it). Liberals and environmentalists saw how she truly supported fracking and other kinds of projects that harm the environment. People saw through her lies and they were not motivated to vote for her. Donald Trump formed a movement just like Adolf H. did with Germany back in 1920's and 30's. You make people excited about change and the betterment of their lives and they will follow you. I won't excuse the fact that Donald is a terrible person beyond numerous reasons, reasons that should disqualify him from being President at all. But clearly people hated Hilary for who she was and what she has done more so than people feared Donald. It is true that A FEW of Donald supporters were sexists and anti-women, but the majority didn't care about that. It's her "experience", corruptions and weakness is why she actually never stood a chance.
Those same old people must have loved Obama then. I wonder what it feels like ignoring all those reasons to default to sexism. Can't imagine being that damn dumb.
Obama stood for a movement of change, USA was in a recession and needed someone to offer solutions after the Republicans screwed up with the Iraq war and (again) we were in recession.
Reasons She Lost Summed Up: 1.) Trump's Campaigning Skills That's it. End of story. The dumb stuff she did with emails was only a big deal because trump said it was.
It's not only emails lol. She has a long list of just snakey things. It's all of her political history. But you're too busy quoting your Facebook friends and watching buzzfeed videos.
I wouldn't say she lost miserably tbh. In regards to electoral votes then sure, but she won the majority of the populous according to polls this morning. It just means she won the wrong states.
Finally, I congratulate you on putting something intelligent down unlike most people who would just cry and make up excuses and act like she is a saint.
Yeah, if they didn't we'd very likely have had Bernie as nominee and I'm willing to bet he would have won
The US Elections Project estimates that just 128.8 million Americans cast a ballot in 2016, out of 231 million eligible voters — a turnout rate of just 55 percent. This is still just a preliminary estimate. But if those numbers hold, that would be the lowest turnout since the Bush-Kerry election in 2004. May not have changed anything... but 55% of eligible voters voting? Not protest votes. They didn't vote at all... for anything. Lazy af. I'm so pissed. This is the US version of The Brexit.
Not taking anything away from Trump, but I don't buy he won on his merits, more like rural people are so fed up they wanted a non-politician to shake up D.C. Like trump said, he could've stood on 5th avenue and shot someone and still won :lol: This is what media and Hillary underestimated , how angry Ma and Pa Kettle are
He won because he played on the fears of white Americans gave them people to blame for their problems, blame the Mexicans, the Muslims, the immigrants just like farage did in England just like that German bloke did when he blamed all of Germany's woes on the Jews. Now he's talking about uniting all the people's of America when he's the one who tore them apart with his disgusting campaign.
That's something I didn't discuss but is very true. The media underestimated him, and so did Hilary. When watching the election last night the bias was obvious because they kept on checking the map to see which states Hilary needed to win. The focus was on Hilary, not the voters.
I know im congratulating you because most people just make up excuses and act like she does nothing wrong.