Lazy people that decided not to vote...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Nov 9, 2016.

  1. To my fellow Californians....

    Specifically the ones that were too lazy to get out and vote....

    I'm disappointed in you....

    It's a real shame that you're going to be able to smoke weed legally now because of others doing their part to finally make this happen.

    When the roads have less pot holes... traffic becomes less congested... jobs increase... and the state budget has an overwhelming surplus...

    When you blaze up that blunt in front of that cop and share in the enjoyment of earth's natural stress reliever...

    I want a personal thank you letter from all of you non-voting lazy bums.

    ...That is all.
  2. I got my ballot in the mail and threw it away because I don't care lol
  3. California is always a democratic state. It's almost a guarantee lol. That being said, there's no point in me voting unless I actually have a good candidate to vote for (which wasn't the case for this election). If I lived in Michigan or Florida or any swing state then of course I'd vote.

    I voted anyway tho because I do want a say in my senators ?
  4. Unfortunately, This is not the case. You cannot walk around smoking weed lol. Do a little more research it's not what everyone thinks. Some aspects are actually going to be worse. For instance violations will no longer be a citation but a misdemeanor.
  5. In a snack wrap. Regardless of who's on the ballot they are voting Democratic.
  6. Just so you know... it's been on the ballot before and didn't pass... this time it did

    Also you don't have to fill out the ballot completely... it's not a test lol. If you don't like either or any of the options in a particular section just skip it and it counts as a protest vote... just be aware your failure to choose could result in the possibility of a choice being made that you were completely against.️
  7. I'm completely aware of what the possible consequences that should arise if I choose not to vote.

    That's why I voted anyway. I'm just saying that as far as California goes, it's not gonna be a republican state anytime soon.
  8. You guys are aware that Regan and The Governator were both republicans right?
  9. They seemed to learn from their mistakes since then
  10. My point is... it's legal so enjoy (not sure how that part was missed omg). Let's not make it something that it's not... especially if this is the first election you've ever been able to vote in lol...
  11. What are you talking about? This is a huge win... don't be so short sighted...k. Of course the initial break through won't be perfect. Reform will come as it typically does...?
  12. Considering an election is every 4/8 years I'd be embarrassed to be a certain age and still playing PIMD but I guess that's tea for another day
  13. Yes, I'm aware of that. I honestly don't even know how the governor won. But in a state with a higher number of total minorities than whites and a higher number of women than men (according to data from last year) California is predisposed to give all its electoral votes to the Democratic Party. That's what I was referring to

    On a side note, I could care less if people are smoking weed or not. It's not legislation that affects me so I don't really have anything to contribute to that topic
  14. Then why are you even on this thread?
  15. You're an idiot. There are elections every 2 years... Go read a book.
  16. We elect a president every 2 years? K ?
  17. Because the subject read "lazy people that decided not to vote" and then you went on about how Californians make a difference when it's a democratic state either way
  18. There actually are elections every two years lol.
  19. What in the hell? 
  20. You can't smoke it in public.