Leaving Pimd for a while :(

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Guy, Nov 8, 2016.

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  1. Like my clickbait? ? LMFAO
    So who ya voting for?

    If trump win I'm moving to Bikini Bottom
  2. Prepare your fishbowl head gear
  3. Even tho I'm not from the US I really wanna know who will win. RIP America you survived longer than we expected
  4. I Google'd, 89% chance Hillary might win!
  5. I wanted Green Party she seemed well good. But 2 way system ???
  6. Yea there is no way trump is going to win but if you think hiliary will do better then you are gonna have a bad time
  8. click bait? im triggered 

    okay but i'm not even american and i hope hillary wins because trump is dumb and knows nothing of politics
  9. True , Hillary has experienced as she is a Sanator. Trump wants to win for attention
  10. Corrupt politician who wants war or racist idiot.

    Its a lose lose either way.
  11. I rather war :|, I actually dislike being American :( we are trouble makers
  12. The Fight
    Story by Spencer

    USA: Yo, Russia. China talking crap bro. He said he wanna fight bro.
    Russia: Good looks bro (In my community good looks means like looking out).
    USA: Yo China, Russia said your mother look like a battery
    China: Oh really, He's made cause I stook my chopstick in his mom's wanton :p

  13. Idc if it was clickbait let me hold on to that skinny man
  15. On campus someone said you a scammer zaddy :(
  16. If your black or Hispanic or Muslim in this country that I do love I feel as though life will change for us if trump I's President.His views have raciest people coming out with this lets make America great again like when the 60 when my black side of my family where treated like crap.
  17. Candidates for this year's presidential election are utter garbage.
  18. Trump's winning
  19. Yea it's over trump won.??
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