My new song called Hold up

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by CrimeFightinCactus, Nov 7, 2016.

  1. Wait wait wait wait wait wait. Hold up! Hold up! Hold up! Hold...up! Hold up...hey hold up, hold up! Hold up! Hey hold up!Hold up....Hold up! Hold up! Hey, listen listen listen...... hey hey hey listen up! Everybody Everybody! Hey! Listen up! Hey, I told you to be focused and you're not focused right now! Listen to what i'm saying... hold up hold up HOLD UP. Everyone sit down and be quiet for a second! Everyone sit down and be quiet for a second!

    What you think of my song fam?
  2. why am i the first to see this?
  3. Hot! You're gonna go double platinum in the first week. How did you come up with that?! Genius!
  4. My inspiration was Obama fam?
  5. So funny
  6. The hell with platinum, you going double uranium son 
  7. With song like that you might finally get over your money problems
  8. Sounds like some new Desiigner's song 
  9. I rate it 69/69. You go boi
  10. Straight fire ? When and where can I download?
  11. ITunes on Jan 20 ?
  12. 11/10 would listen again
  13. Can't wait 
  14. It sucks more than a group of leeches.
  15. Bravo ? ?
  16. Brilliant 
  17. That's hot
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  18. Straight fire ???