"Daddy talk"

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Nanaboo_, Nov 4, 2016.

  1. Can I ask why "daddy talk"is bad now?? Like why can't we talk about Dads?? Its really stupid for ATA to silence someone for it.

    I just don't understand why that is the way it is I think its stupid for someone to be silenced for saying " if you daddy and you know it post on this wall"
  2. Because its been tainted by dd/lg. its a kink. as in something involving you know what. that's probably why people get silenced for it.
  3. Ya you know what you meant when you said "daddy" don't play the victim card ?
  4. Once I ran to u
    Now I run from u
    This tainted love you've given
    I give u all a boy could give u...
  5. Because humans have to ruin such simple words, this is why we can't have nice things.
  6. Daddy Af
  7. If you call him daddy, I know he gettin in the panties! DADDY DADDY DADDY!
  8. You know what you were trying to do. You just got caught trying to do it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  9. Miley Cyrus is corrupted.
  10. Truth tea
  11. Ya kiddin me?¿ they silence you for that????
  12. Cause all those girls spamming wc during thirsty hour are dying to come online and talk about how much they love their dads
  13. I love you mommy :(
  14. I love your mommy too raf :(