
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Sadism, Nov 1, 2016.

  1. I didn't receive something I got from a bat bucket it's not showing in my showcase what to do?
  2. delete the app and move on with your so called life
  3. Go back to inactivity. Your attempts to belittle people behind a screen are annoying.

    @op, just email ATA.
  4. Restart the app
  5. I got a bloody broom from my one waste of time
  6. when was I inactive
  7. Restart the app, if still nothing after that then email ATA
  8. I've emailed I've restarted my phone cleared the app restarted.. email had been replied to but no help from them yet. ??
  9. How many buckets did you open?
  10. Just 1. And then I waited and opened another And it didn't give it to me.
  11. You're not a waste of my time ?
  12. Just give it time ATA will eventually respond with a solution
  13. What did it say you got from the buckets?
  14. (1) locker skeletons
  15. Look near the bottom of your showcase
  16. 
  17. Look near the bottom of your showcase