
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by iBreeQueenOfTheCastle, Oct 21, 2016.

  1. I need help starting my club, any good advice? Perferably from some of the owners of high ranked clubs.
  2. Good luck getting their attention
  3. First of all increase your stats max being 51.6mcs and you are around 500kcs
    Being an owner/admin sounds fun at starting but later its just a tiring job
  4. ^yup, true story ^loved being an owner but got to tired, all do..unless you're a rare deal then I'm lime green jelly 
  5. Stats wont always matter, it takes being in a good club to upgrade and thats's what Im doing.
  6. Here are some tips in starting a successful club!
    - Have cats ready
    Players will join your club if you have cats lined up and ready to use .

    - Have help
    You'll need heavy hitters to help beat and unlock parties.

    - NO RP
    Pimd doesn't need anymore of those type of clubs.
  7. " - NO RP
    Pimd doesn't need anymore of those type of clubs. "

    @Forums Thank you!
  8. You need bunch of ecs if you wanna make your club stay longer..