Slasher Bash Box Giveaway

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Waifu, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. *Caveman voice*

    You. Me. Bed. Now
  2. Im with the FBI (Fine Body Investigators,) and I'm here to check you out.
  3. Hey Girl/Boy Are You A Parking ticket Cause u got FINE written all over u
  4. i u are with i dont need car bike home since ur father will gift all to me.
  5. •People say that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth, but those people obviously haven't been in your arms. :')
    •If we have a garden together, I'd plant my tulips with your tulips. :')
    •Charmanders are red, Squirtles are blue, if you were a Pokemon, I'd choose you. :')
    •Did you fart? Because you blew me away. :')
    •If I were a traffic light, I'd turn red every time I saw you, so that I could stare at you a little longer. :')
  6. My vaginå is a horcrux, will you destroy it?
  7. Yesterday is history
    Tomorrow is mystery
    Today is a gift
    So give me some gifts
  8. Shamelessly bumping my own thread. ?
  9. Excuse me, I seem to have lost my way. Can I find it in you?
  10. You'll be arrested for theft. Cause you just stole my heart. 
  11. You see the head on the first page, ain't as good as the head you could give me. ?
  12. When that line would totally work on me
  13.  This one actually made me laugh.
  14. (Guy goes up to girl in a bar or vice versa and says) hey what do you like for breakfast?

    If you were a potato you'd be a very nice potato

    Let's play house, you be the door and I'll slam you all night long

    (First 3 submissions)
  15. I like your face
  16. Yo pants is cute
  17. Best one ever
  18. Shut up and make me a sandwich with extra lettuce.

    Works everytime ?
  19. Calm your ass down Donald
  20. My doctor says I lack Vitamin U...