Group chats

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MelanieMonroe2, Oct 18, 2016.

  1. We should have PM Group would be very efficient for pimd.
  2. No.
    That's why we have the third party app.

    And why do you need group pm? For group rp? On second thoughts, group rp doesn't sound bad ?
  3. Are they not called clubs or tutor chat? 

    I imagine the lag if people could make tons of groups here. It would kinda be like mini clubs.
  4. Campus chat, club chat, private chat...I'm hoping that by now you've reevaluated your idea and realised it is like a boat full of holes :|
  5. Is CC or TC Not enough?

    Maybe we need rp chat too?

    Nah. Jog on
  6. Or a selling chat, like a marketplace 
  7. Hell naw. That's just more crap
  8. I agree, people would spam the heck out of it and scampers would come out to play