Dam why are you not a mod yet omg you have been around longer than me and have helped many players including me. Ok now that is done I have a alt I would put into your club to help if this is something worth doing
I could send you one of my alts to complete help complete parties but I hate explaining. I used to help few new players, but I suck at explaining things.
I have 2 silences under my belt from before I knew the ToU and second one was a protest. So that might be a factor. And perhaps ATA just never liked me lol Anyway, Alts work just fine. You have valuable knowledge if I remember well. I'll contact you when I make it lol
I've had a few alts that had good starter clubs, I'd have to check the names out tho. They are really helpful to new players and I wish you luck Mr Dan in ur venture
Few of the clubs that accepted small players were volley 101, great big sea, tck and such. As a new player i had joined volley and learnt all the basics of the game. It's important to know that there's more to it than just partying. Some of clubs, that help small players, are the sub club of Ex and um og buzz.
This current club I am in does not serve that purpose, but I want to make one with my alt in the near future
My club World In Flames has been totally helpful and doesn't care if you're a noob and what your kcs is. They help you learn and earn. The rules are pretty strict about asking for gifts, volleying, ec, dns, etc. but they are to keep everything and everyone equal.
Sounds fair, I'd probably be more relaxed and would not call myself strict xD Glad there is a club out there that does something of this sort
Our club used to be like that, but we recently raised our stats. The hardest part about a club like that would be finishing parties. Owner and admins would have to make the sacrifice of using a lot of their DNs to finish parties.
Ikr to others here owners and admins in my club use a lot to help players grow if all of they stay together as a group when they grow then we can earn back what we invested in them else is gone in the wind
While I don't really have the patience to teach random newbies, I do have 13 pizza bikinis I will likely never use that I'd be happy to donate. (My rs has a futher 14 to add) I'm not being entirely altruistic as the things sitting there annoy me, but they are there if you want them.
The hard part about keeping clubs for teaching new people is eventually if its successful you have a lot of perms that start growing and wanting to do bigger parties like pros...which doesn't help new people any longer or the noobs you helped Grow and move and you dont get enough active people to take their place and the club goes inactive. That said what might work is convincing a few vip clubs to start nooby clans and rotate members and admins in and out of it so that individual people aren't struggling in their hunt goals but you still have the activity and hitting power to Keep the noob clan going.