Cult classics Members

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Princesspartypants, Oct 13, 2016.

  1. Hi.. I accidentally disbanded the club last night. Unfortunately even though we have been around for over a year Ata cannot restore it. We want our members back. Please join us at Lil Cult Classics. Thank you all for being such Amazing members.
  2. I love the club
  3. I love the club so much
  4. Rebuild time! But, We will get back to where we were :)
  5. But if you tap disband it asks if you're sure...
  6. Oh silly you ! ?
  7. 
  8. She was half asleep trying to leave club not disband it....
  9. Alright then
  10. Been there done that ? not fun
  11. It didn't ask if I was sure. I thought that was odd!
  12. It didn't??? I thought that it did. If it doesn't ask then that's jacked up
  13. Agreed. I even immediately closed the app thinking it would stop the process but it didn't :(
  14. We need to unlock some pro parties. All help would be Greatly appreciated.
  15. Sure it was a mistake
    And by mistake you tapped on 2 different places on screen
    It's all a mistake we get it
  16. "Accident" ;)
  17. You always get the "are you sure..." pop up. I guess you didn't read it and clicked okay anyway :?