ATA a.k.a Stat Racist A (SRA)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -T_L-Emoji, Sep 27, 2016.

  1. :lol: mkay. Did you mean expensive value for terrible deals?
  2. ^ Shots fired
  3. mario bruh, dont listen to him , that would be his new catfishing pic, he ment no harm to you
  4. True shots fired^
  5. You're just like the cable companies and mobile phone business ?
  6. But you still haven't did a fan sign, I've video charted with players. So yeah do me a huge favor, and get off ;)
  7. XD

    " Did I answer all your questions in a accurate and timely manner?"
  8. We all know they sucker you in with the "great" starter pack cause they know you'll be back for more.
  9. Dont worry they fixed it. Noobs gets a worse starter pack now
  10. Support
  11. i didnt catfish in order to even try to prove anything sir catfish
  12. From wat i noticed, i only have the dns deal n kawaii sale. Kawaii sale is a waste of time. Dear mod, we know how to calculate too. U all never listen to loyal users, instead u all r taking for granted. I have to say thanks to u, i was so willing to spend in this game, but now im awake n dont feel like spending anymore.
  13. Support we didnt have that when we start?
  14. Na just be sorry you out here talking like the pimd cops?