Recommend Anime?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -Lorey-, Sep 25, 2016.

  1. I just finished my anime list (yes I have one) so nowI need to refresh my soul and start a new series that I can binge watch. Any suggestions? ?
  2. Can I have your list?

    I recommend Arpeggio of Blue Steel.
    It's short.

    Edit: I also recommend Angel Beats but you've probably seen that one. It's also very short.
  3. Ever heard of imdb?
  4. disney channel
  5. Rewrite  it's one of the latest update tho
    Also Mirai Nikki .. Maybe you've already watched that..
  6. Qualidea Code(new) and Food Wars ?

    Beezlebub, Grisaia No Kajitsu(3 different parts), Akame Ga Kill. There's more but I would Have to open my own list on my laptop lol
  7. Kaichou wa maid sama
    One punch man
    Shokugeki no Soma 1 & S2
    Mob psycho
    Taboo Tattoo
    Kaichou wa maid-sama
    Tokyo ghoul
    Black bullet
    Guilty crown
  8. Orange, Danganrompa 1,2,and 3, Prison School, Overlord, Wolf's Rain (movie), Blood-C, Blood+ and its movie.., Beezlebub, Grisaia No Kajitsu(3 different parts), Akame Ga Kill. ?
  9. Drink
  10. Samurai Champloo
  11. Well it's time for you to start my four favorites.
    fairy tail,
    Black butler,
    Vampire Night,
    Death note. I would also recommend naruto and One piece, but that takes time and dedication
  12. Beelzebub :)
  13. Shokugeki no souma is really good.
  14. Dragon Ball Super
  15. Glitter Force is pretty good
  16. Watch "Stranger Things", it's not Anime but it's great. My anime list is pretty long, the trick is keep searching and adding Animes to it making it endless.
  17. Damn nerds. Fate/stay night unlimited blade works is very good though