Because i have spent too much time here and because i have friends here. The games are wayy different. The whole point of this was me saying what mechanics of kaw i thought would be great to have here ?
Kaw is losing all momentum that it had over pimd tbh. The wars there are starting to slow down just like they are here and they have more premium eb/parties then here giving rise to many b2b hte/Zta clans. Primal wars pretty much obsolete, Indy wars(like our beta wars) have died down since season 5, and the new lowland wars just flat out suck since u use only the first part of your build. The only things kaw has going over pimd in my opinion at the moment is the pvp events and not as many rp'ers. Just like this game, that game is slowly becoming a shell of its former self. Should just scrap both and introduce a new war game for the real players and send all the rp'ers to meego.
Tweak.. primal wars have been shut down since 2015.. lowland wars make wars equal for all. Whether you're new or 800mcs+, during lowland you are same size. You need strategy to win those Oh no, a business putting out premium items so they can profit off their game? The horror. They should give it all away for free right? Events you can get your rewards through war, eb (party) or pvp. So much variety and people find reasons to complain. Smh
Lol I still got complaints from people about being hit, even while they bought the item because they bought it "accidentally" :roll:
And I put accidentally in quotations because they had drops from pvp, but when I kept unloading on them they'd be like "I'm not even in the event wahhhh it was an accident"
As we're on this topic, does anyone wanna help me out on Kaw? XD The game is so confusing to me and I'm still trying to get used to it, despite the few months it's been :/ Help a noob out
Strategy? Lol u got noobs coming in with all 25 of the first lands unlocked for free and the game easy to make gold with every event giving trils of it almost, bfe and bfa also taken in account now which again everyone with same stats now can match up a vip clan against a weak one. As for the premium eb do they really need a Zta? It used to come very little but now it's hard ever finding a time when there isn't a Zta return on not saying give it away for free as I am in b2b hte clan on there that does it every promo I'm just saying it's not really needed. The release of the new free eb with their new drops is enough although good luck finding one that will let u in if u aren't around 100mcs or close. The game is just as unbalanced as this one can deny it all u want but it's a fact
They're % bonuses... It's not as big as people make it out to be. With max bonuses you can fail steals from full. Or attacks. You're saying something paying out trillions isn't needed when bc costs 2,600t/2.6q? You will not get there via lotl/goth m8. Kaw isn't about balance. Will always be drop builds and lb way ahead of most. Find what you enjoy and have fun. Don't enjoy, don't play