LBGTQ+ community I need help

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by scorpiomexy, Sep 12, 2016.

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  1. Hey I am a gay male that is looking for a club that is active and is LGBTQ+ friendly. Could you help me?
  2. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    Asking on campus might be your best bet
  3. wait dahell does Q+ means?
  4. ???
  5. questioning/queer and the + means plus everyone else
  6. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    I'm pretty sure most clubs are LBGTQ friendly ... I don't get why people like to separate themselves into a groups like that when you can just join usual groups.

    *shocker* most people are very accepting
  7. O I always thought the Q stood 4 Qrazy, a cool way to say crazy.
  8. ¿¿¿¿¿
  9. oh then am not lgbtq friendly thats what i just discovered ?
  10. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    So queer isn't a derogatory term?
  11. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    Last i heard its now:


    unless its grown more to "diversify" against anyone but straight Christians
  12. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    I laughed.
  13. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    Yes most people are very accepting but I have recently discovered that majority of the males in the clubs I went to are not confortable with me being there so I want a club that most of the guys will feel comfortable with me being there
  14. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    Stop trying to hook up on a game and you wont have any problems
  15. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    I feel your username should be changed. Christian kinda implies straight.
  16. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    Hookups? Ew no I just want a club where I know most guys don't freak out when I start a conversation everyone
  17. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    Why would guys freak out by you starting a conversation? Unless you start them off "Hi, I'm gay and my favorite planet is Uranus" is that how you start dem?
  18. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    Not really. Gotta be specific these days with episcopals and methodists letting everyone in their churches. They somehow think everyone can get to heaven. They'll find out soon enough how hot it is.
  19. Re: LBGTQ community I need help

    Boo hoo, grow up. You should go back to church and learn to be a good little Christian, because your hypocrisy is showing. Be careful, you might be sent to hell for being snarky to others.
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