If you could be a super hero or super vill for a day .......

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AK_O_c_t_o_b_e_r_AK, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Mastique or rogue i apologize if i missed spelled
  2. Catwoman. .-.

    Only cause I like leather.
  3. Medusa, statue!
  4. Omgg like HARLEY QUINN she's like a villain right guyss ?!!!!!! *every white girl who watched suicide squad *
  5. You have something against white girls don't you m8?
  6. Not rogue but gene graythe Phoenix
  7. Kara Danvers?
    I'll be myself.
  8. Raven from teen titans
  9. Harley Quinn. 
  10. Lex Luthor
  11. Swoobat.

    Totally counts.