My name is James. I am here to tell you about a child's life. As a baby I was progressing very good in day care. My mom was addicted to cocaine and weed. My dad was rich and always went to bars and strip clubs. When my dad first met my mom, he said he was a nice person and would never harm a woman. A week after that they got married. And another week after that he got her hooked on weed and cocaine. He would give her such heavy doses that one day he raped her with his friends and she became pregnant with me. As I was being developed he would still rape her and give her drugs. It didn't matter how much she bagged. For all he wanted was to rape and beat her. A few years later I'm 3 years old and I can remember stuff pretty good. They had stopped fussing one day and a ambulance putted up. It wasn't my mom that was put in a stretcher, it was him. She had hit him with her car. After a few months it was my 4th birthday. He came home and pushed my high chair over. My mom came rushing forward only to get hit in the stomach and beat. The next day when my mom woke up she picked me up and made sure I was OK. She went to the kitchen and saw all the baby food and other things in a pile and beside that a bag of rat poison that was spilt all over the opened food. He came in the kitchen with a knife and was about to stab her but she ran to the garage. As he walked through the door the hit him in the arm with a baseball bat and broke it clean. Before he could come home from the hospital she divorced him and married my new dad. Stuff got better. A few months after that he saw my mom in public and threw money at her. He taunted her and said she would never have money like she did when she was with him again. At the age 7 he gave her his convent to sign his parental rights over and let my new dad adopt me. Too this day I fear that he will find where I live. But when he does find me I will be ready for him. The End
Maybe you should find a domestic violence advocate in your area. They work with child abuse survivors, sexual assault victims, and those who have witnessed violence; not just people in or from abusive relationships. Most are non-profit organizations, so if you don't have much money, they will work with you for free or on a sliding scale (pay what you can afford) level. They can help with court cases like restraining orders and provide professional counseling. If you are afraid of stalking, the centers are usually unmarked and the employees use fake names so that it is harder to track the victims receiving help (say they found a business card or tried searching for the office to find you). Clients usually have to be buzzed in at the door. They take safety and confidentiality very seriously. If you are worried about your safety and privacy where you live, you can research at a local library or at a school. There are also similar programs that will help you get out of abusive relationships. They will provide you a ride to the hospital and/or to a shelter. I used to work in a general homeless shelter, but they provide referrals to other types of shelters such as women's shelters. Many of the volunteers at the shelter also volunteered the rides for such people trying to flee and go through background checks, interviews, and a psychological test, so you know they are safe people. Of course this thread might be fake or attention seeking, but since these kind of stories are actually quite common, and it is a very serious matter that has a lifelong effect on the victim, so I'm just putting that info out there. You survived your childhood, now it is time to heal and thrive.