Describe PIMD in three words or less?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Unsatisfied players
  2. Could be worse.
  3. Revolved around me

    LOL kidding ?
  4. Sucks donkey balls
  5. Dark Alley RP
  6. All about money $$$ :lol:
  7. I say otherwise
    You don't have to pay to win but if want vip and all that you have to pay like all the other games
  8. Boring event: very easy
    Interesting event:very hard
  9. Very true
  10. Op is lame
  11. Waste of money
  12. Your jawline is lame
  13. forums kinda died
  14. boob lover paradise (ex paradise thank ata for changing the pic on that lil box thingy that you click to open the app ? )