Does Harley Quinn even have a brain?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kefo, Aug 30, 2016.

  1. Tired of the normies getting all the respect and admiration. That poor girl hasn't got a clue what she's doing in life, is going to die sad, having no positive influence on the world and never standing up for herself. She has no spine and is literally a worthless sack of doo daa.
    I don't find her desperation, pathetic lack of strength and general uselessness apart from the sexual to be attractive.

    Someone plz explain.
  3. Definitely not
  4. Well, nowadays people are making her out to be that way. But don't forget, she was, and technically still is, Dr. Harleen Quinzel. She was very smart, before she fell for The Joker.
  5. She's the example of what love does.

    Making someone dumb and crazy.
  6. This is not correct.

    Here's something from the wiki: “She got the job despite not being highly intellectual or motivated. During college, Harleen received wonderful grades, but only because she would seduce her professors into giving her high marks.”

  8. It's turned into a debate lol
  9. Then I guess the comics I own are wrong.
    Guess I better read up on the Internet instead ??
  10. What kind of special people does it take to even talk about this kinda crap
  11. does kefo even have a brain?
  12. True
  13. Honestly IDC. I haven't even seen suicide squad. I just think Harley Quinn is a character that belongs in the last century and should stay there
  14. The best Harley Quinn is when she's with Poison Ivy. This whole thing with The Joker is growing be something stupid and twisted, giving Harley a bad image. Suicide Squad Harley is just ONE and the WORSE of those images.

    She was a therapist assigned to the Joker and instead of her getting into his head, he got into her head. She wanted to save him so bad she fell into his dark, twisted ways and learns that there was no escape (congratulations, you played yourself ?). The Joker abuses her and drives her to be almost as insane as him.

    There are other stories based in comics so there's not just this one. It depends on what is Canon and what is not. 
  15. Instead, he got insane head from her

  16. is "insane head" some form of disease? How did he catch "insane head" from her?
  17. Uhh when you grow up you'll know
  18. Okay sure, kid.
  19. I mean...she clearly has one. Does she use it? No