Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *BlackHammerLSA (01), Aug 28, 2016.

  1. Hi I am quite new to this game, and I need help as well as a pimd gf. I don't like the jealous girls so pls no jealous types. If anyone is willing to help me better my rp skills, get big (stats) and even hard some times that would be great. If any girls would like to take the job just follow tbh. I don't mind open relationships either. Rping with whoever you want is the best 
  2. I'll be your gf
  3. Your name seems familiar.
  4. lol uninstall and quit while you are at peak
  5. You should try asking this on kaw ;) that's where u came from I'm sure they will help you out
  6. THATS WHERE I REMEMBER IT FROM. I was about to drive myself nuts

    Anyways, your troll skills are weak :/ F for effort
  7. ooh. pick me, pick me :cry:
  8. First off, don't ever say PIMD GF
  9. Triggered
  10. Follow me for a fun time
  11. Did you get your name from the movie "Ride Along" starring Kevin Hart? ?
  12. Lol
  13. Love me in the bum
  14. I need a pimd gf :geek:
  15. Get some oprah m8
    Or dr pheel
  16. Th we all need help haha