It's not all its cracked up to be.j k it is :roll: From the random follows to the hundreds of rs request to the wall posts asking for my hand in marriage. Did I farm Mulva?Sure once or twice Did I slide in Flirts pm's? Eh maybe a few times Could I be a mod? I don't know,who does? Not ATA. Was that relevant? Probly not Just wanted to let you know you can get to these stats too for just 2 out of every 4 paychecks.oops,did I say paychecks? Haha i meant through hard work.
But wait ... if you are spending your paychecks doesn't that mean you worked hard for your stats ????
Trying to figure out were the hell you are getting 36mcs from Lcbc is only 26mcs. So everything you say is irrelevant