Life of a 36mcs

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Discovery, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. It's not all its cracked up to be.j k it is :roll:

    From the random follows to the hundreds of rs request to the wall posts asking for my hand in marriage.

    Did I farm Mulva?Sure once or twice
    Did I slide in Flirts pm's? Eh maybe a few times
    Could I be a mod? I don't know,who does? Not ATA.
    Was that relevant? Probly not

    Just wanted to let you know you can get to these stats too for just 2 out of every 4 paychecks.oops,did I say paychecks? Haha i meant through hard work.
  2. Now im confused. Explain pls
  3. Statless alt with a Statless I.Q
  5. True stuff ?
  6. Eject Reject
  7. I'm your alt tho...
  8. But wait ... if you are spending your paychecks doesn't that mean you worked hard for your stats ????
  9. Plausible. I have more alts than I can remember.
  11. Trying to figure out were the hell you are getting 36mcs from Lcbc is only 26mcs. So everything you say is irrelevant
  12. Why so serious m8?
  13. Why is my name so big, this is way too intimate.
  14. I just learned coding idk sizes yet :roll:
  15. Oh this one is some kind of joke, i thought you were serious…
  16. People who thought this was serious have a lower I.Q. than me.

    I have an extremely low i.Q.
  17. :lol:.
  18. But you have abs. That's what really counts.
  19. Hug me.