I actually have to agree that it's crap that ATA is removing these parties, and the excuse is completely lame. We aren't stupid ATA? there's always going to be a difference between smaller stats and big stats. It does not affect the social aspect of the game. When I was small, I had to work to grow big enough to hit pro parties. I had to work to get my stats to a certain level to visit certain clubs. The majority of big clubs have a minimum stat level and always will. So to say it's causing a divide amongst stat levels is just complete bs. In any game, there must be competition and goals to work towards. Otherwise it's not a game. If you were truly concerned about the stats needed to hit the parties, you'd change the mechanics to make it so more stats can hit. It's pathetic that you locked the thread too because people were complaining on it. You absolutely do not care what this community thinks
Support. I support this so much I say... FUCK ATA. I won't apend a single FUCKING dime on this game any more until you guys fix this game. Fix the constant b2b hunts, the removal of SuperPro, and the pervasive greediness. ATA need to FIRE whoever is making these decisions.
You are so right. My stats aren't high enough to hit Super Pro Parties, and I have never tried, but hitting those parties was a goal of mine and I feel sad about this. Of course I am sad for all of you who worked hard to get those high stats and enjoy a party that actually rewarded you without 69 ECs.
They've just got their panties in a bunch because " Revenue is suffering slightly ". They obviously don't care about their players, the people at that, that spend their money for them to gain. All they do now is lock their threads so they can't get their players input. How about just grow a pair, and be honest. I haven't been playing this game long, and can see how they only care about the profit. So enough of the petty excuses.
So the revenue is suffering and they tick off the players spending money , you know the larger stats with large TB who chase VIP and top payouts in hunts. Good job. Watch how your revenue suffers now. The perfect form of protest is for all of us to stop spending.
Why make the parties, release more, then take them away?not like they couldn't have seen this coming.
Right, they're not worried about larger players abandoning smaller players to go super pro. Look how players ditched their home clubs to flock to Cat Clubs. And oh no we can't war cause there's a hunt on and we are at a cat club. What really destroyed a sense of community and players helping each other out was the creation of Cat Cafe, only made worse by the removal of the daily dn cap, and the consistent payout for an unload. ATA has not cared about the community in a long time. They only care about the very top spenders, leaving the other 99.9% of us behind. Anyone notice they changed how many times you can unlink a device to 10, up from 5? Hm, were big players having trouble making enough starter packs to feed their cat addictions? ATA has never cared about most players, especially those who don't spend money, in a long time. Super Pros are leaving because they are too competitive with cat clubs, end of the story.