The Greatest Experience being A PLAYMATE and in A HAREM

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Xll011X_Aqua-Shade_X11ollX, Aug 11, 2016.

  1. tldr OP started fw with harem and doesn't like the result; currently whining about how they aren't whining about it
  2. And honestly no one cares for your opinion. the one who get the content of this thread are not the one trying to play wise and comment rubbish thing to make themselves proud. You can all say what you want. In the end this is just a game. Dont try to bring out about this thread as an act of whining. Cos this isnt. I wont explain further coz u r all close minded to get what my point is in posting. I look stupid to you? Look how stupid you all look like too. This will be my last comment so far.... Just give hits. You all gave too much attention to thread u called "nonsense". Have a nice day?
  3. You said it yourself. It's a game.. Why so worked up then?
  4. Even though I wasn't trying, I give up. I guess the saying really is true: "You can't fix stupid." Cya 'round!
  5. Op you are so contradictory, I don't feel this thread was made while sober 
  6. I believe even in a game u have the rights and all. Even it is just a game. So why do you give so much time too in this thread? Did i caught ur interest? If u dgad in this thread might as well click the home button. U r wasting time asking stupid questions. Further questions will not be entertain anymore. DonT worry You have the right to remain silent 
  7. This story sounds familiar tbh
  8. "Just a game?" When they gave my gf rl threats just bcoz of their so called "just a game"? ?????
  10. yes, im sure harem gave "RL threats" :lol: ss pls im dying to see them
  11. Oh, u like ss? ????
  13. 15 hits over a tut ?  yet you have the guts to come to forums and whine about us farming you ?

    ? 5k losses in two week. For an strength build that takes 4-6 hits to dtw from pin again  work the calculations.
  14. From the one who said not an op tut then again takes back and said idgaf to the hv.  and ofcourse its easy to make me dtw coz i hit some too and u r higher stats than me.  do the common sense. Or shake ur brain, not working properly.
  15. Hey Elie ?
  16. Elie I think it's frowned upon to pick on school aged kids or special needs kids.The amount of stupid coming from this person is so intense I don't see him being anything other than one of those two. :?
  17. Yes, common sense is like deordrant, people who need it the most don't use it ?

    No wonder even after people letting you know it's your fault of hitting over a tut. You still insist on taking it to a personal level ?

    Moral of the day: " Never argue with a moron, they drag you down to their level and beat you down with experience" 
  18. Question for everyone in this thread: how many of you received real life threats and nothing has happened?
  19. That's off topic and something that shouldn't be discussed here. If you have issues in rl like that go to the authorities.
  20. It was asked because OP and someone else mentioned rl threats, yet I know there are people, and I know this includes you, that has received some sort, then nothing happens. If you really think it shouldn't be mentioned, refer to who brought it up. No offense.