Drop List

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by YourFutureExHusband, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. Cat cafe
    Cycling track
    Eritrea ??
    Bahrain ??
    Cayman island ??
    Russian federation
    Fake art 101
    Bulgaria ??
    Tanzania ??
    Diy Tattoo
    Canoe sprint
    Portugal ??
    Factory Art
    Canada ??
    Saint Kitts and Nevis ??
    Costa Rica ??
    Art Starzzz
    Jordan ??
    Hype Machine
    Kuwait ??
    Cambodia ??
    Ecuador ??
    Back ally debut
    Italy 
    Comoros ??
    Madagascar ??
    Prank Primer
    Volley ball
    Lithuania ??
    Frisbee Follies
    South Sudan ??
    Republic of Moldova ??
    All Roads Lead To Beer
    Timor-leste ??
    New Zealand ??
    Palau ??
    Restless keg syndrome
    Monaco ??
    Guinea-Bissau ??
    South Africa ??
    It's BroStep Brah
    Burkina Faso ??
    British virgin island??
    Federated states of Micronesia??
    Afternoon delight
    Croatia ??
    Antigua and Barbuda ??
    Cabana cool
    Just dance
    Surinam ??
    Senegal ??
    Romania ??
    Wait list
    Trinidad and Tobago ??
    Sky high
    Hungary ??
    Zimbabwe ??
    Limo luxury
    Palestine ??
    Libya ??
    Montenegro ??
    Draw Manga
    Trampoline gymnastics
    Tajikistan ??
    Swaziland ??
    Noodles Express
    Ghana ??
    Enjoi J-pop
    Modern Pentathlon
    Rugby seven
    Bangladesh ??
    Cosplay please
    Thailand ??
    Mongolia ??
    Big in Japan
    Guinea ??
    Bolivia ??
    Anime expo
    Malta ??
    Singapore ??
    Democratic Korea ??
    Counter culture
    Hong Kong ??
    San Marino
    Dumpster dive
    Weight lifting
    Albania ??
    No hand brakes
    Australia ??
    Rwanda ??
    Tuvalu ??
    Blue plate special
    Bahamas ??
    Slovakia ??
    Arcade Mis Fire
    Table Tennis
    First world problems
    Synchronized swimming
    Philippines ??
    Bosnia and Herzegovina ??
    Factory art super pro
    Canoe slalom
    Saint Lucia ??
    Armenia ??
    Cook island ??
    Macedonia ??
    Fake art super pro
    Lesotho ??
    Botswana ??
    Art starz super pro
    Cycling mountain bike
    Tunisia ??
    Paraguay ??
    Nigeria ??
    Ethiopia ??
    Diy tattoo super pro
    Iraq ??
    Liberia ??
    Serbia ??
    China 
    Anime expo pro
    Estonia ??
    Counter culture pro
    Art Starzzz pro
    First world problems pro
    American Samoa ??
    Virgin Islands??
    Draw Manga Pro
    Turkmenistan ??
    Andorra ??
    Fake art pro
    Malawi ??
    Cape Verde ??
    Diy tattoo pro
    Argentina ??
    Finland ??
    São Tomé and Príncipe ??
    Factory art pro
    Guatemala ??
    Marshall Island ??
    Latvia ??
    Cosplay please pro
    Liechtenstein ??

    ✔FA101- Tanzania(TAN);Bulgaria(BUL);Hockey

    ✔DIY TATTOO-Portugal(POR);Syria(SYR);Canoe Spirit

    ✔FACTORY ART- Canada(CAN);Saint Kitts & Nevis(SKN);Costa Rica(CRC)

    ✔ART STARZZZ- Gabon(GAB);Mali(MLI);Jordan(JOR)

    ✔HYPE MACHINE- Ecuador(ECU);Cambodia(CAM);Kuwait(KUW)

    ✔BACK ALLEY DEBUT- Guyana(GUY);Italy(ITA);Cuba(CUB)

    ✔PIZZA POP ART- Russia(RUS);Cayman Islands(CAY);Bahrain(BRN);Mauritania(MTN);Basketball


    ✔PRANK PRIMER- Lithuania(LTU);Barbados(BAR);Beach Volleyball

    ✔FRISBEE FOLLIES- Moldova(MDA);Bhutan(BHU);South Sudan(SSD)

    ✔ALL ROADSEAD TO BEER- New Zealand(NZL);Timor Leste(TSL);Palau(PLW)

    ✔RESTLESS KEG SYNDROME- Guinea Bissau(GBS);Monaco(MON);Sourh Africa(RSA)

    ✔IT'S BROSTEP BRAH-Virgin Islands(IVB);Micronesia(FSM);Burkina Faso(BUR)

    ✔FITSPIRATION- Comoros(COM);Madagascar(MAD);Lao PDR(LAO)


    ✔AFTERNOON DELIGHT-Antigua&Barbuda(ANT);Croatia(CRO);Triathlon

    ✔CABANA COOL-Venezuela(VEN);Spain(ESP);Archery

    ✔WAIT LISTED- Niger(NIG);Trinidad&Tobago(TTO);Senegal(SEN)

    ✔LIMO LUXURY-Libya(LBA);Montenegro(MNE);Palestine(PLE)

    ✔SKYHIGH PARTY-Hungary(HUN);Zimbabwe(ZIM);Badminton


    ✔DRAW MANGA-Tajikistan(TJK);Swaziland(SWZ);Trampoline

    ✔NOODLE EXPRESS-Qatat(QAT);Ghana(GHA);Diving

    ✔ENJOI J-POP-Bangladesh(BAN);Rugby Sevens;Modern Pentiathlon

    ✔COSPLAY PLEASE-Mongolia(MGL);Thailand(THA);Judo

    ✔ANIME EXPO-Singapore(SIN);DPR Korea(PRK);Malta(MLT)

    ✔BIG IN JAPAN-Nauru(NRU);Guinea(GUI);Bolivia(BOL)

    ✔CAT CAFE- Angola(ANG);Oman(OMA);UAE; Sailing;Cycling


    ✔COUNTER CULTURE-San Marino(SMR);Hongkong(HKG);Rowing

    ✔DUMPSTER DIVE-Albania(ALB);KOREA;Weightlifting

    ✔NO HAND BRAKES-Rwanda(RWA);Australia(AUS);Tuvalu(TUV)

    ✔BLUE PLATE SPECIAL-Bahamas(BAH);Nepal(NEP);Slovakia(SVK)

    ✔ARCADE(MIS)FIRE-Vietnam(VIE);Fencing;Table Tennis

    ✔FIRST WORLD PROBLEMS-Philippines(PHI);Bosnia&Herzegovina(BIH);Synchronized Swimming

  3. Thanks! I'll be adding those in later ️
  4. Cat Cafe: Angola, Cycling Track, Volleyball, Oman, Wrestling, Sailing, UAE and Eritrea.

    Pizza Pop Art: Shooting, Basketball, Equestrian, Cayman Island, Maurltania, Bahrain, Brunei and Russian Federation.


    Fake Art 101: Hockey, Bulgaria and Tanzania.

    DIY: Portugal, Syria, and Canoe Sprint.

    Factory Art: Canada, Costa Rica, Saint Kitts, and Nevis.

    Hype Machine: Kuwait, Ecuador and Cambodia.

    Art Starzzz: Gabon, and Mali

    BAD: Italy, Cuba, and Guyana.

    Prank Primer: Barbados, Volleyball and Lithuania.

    Frisbee Follies: Republic of Moldova, South Sudan and Bhutan.

    All Roads lead to Beer: New Zealand, Palau and Timor-Leste

    Restless Keg Syndrome: Monaco, South Africa and Guinea Bissau

    BRO Step: Micronesia, British Virgin Island, and Burkina Faso

    Fitspiration: Lao, Madagascar and Comoros.

    Afternoon Delight: Triathlon, Croatia, Barbuda and Antigua.

    Cabana Cool: Spain, Archery and Venezuela

    Waitlisted: Trinidad and Tobago, Niger and Football.

    Just Dance: Romania, Senegal, and Suriname

    Limo Luxury: Libya, Montenegro, and Palestine

    Skyhigh: Hungary, Badminton and Zimbabwe

    Draw Manga: Tajikistan, Swaziland and Trampoline Gymnastics.

    Noodle Express: Diving, Qatar and Ghana.

    ENJOI J-POP: Bangladesh, Rugby Sevens and Modern Pentathlon

    Cosplay Please: Judo, Thailand and Mongolia.

    Anime Expo: Democratic people's Republic of Korea, Malta, and Singapore

    Big In Japan: Bolivia, Nauru and Guinea

    Counter Culture: Hong Kong, Rowing and San Marino.

    Dumpster Dive: Albania, Weightlifting and Republic of Korea

    No Hand Brakes: Tuvalu, Australia and Rwanda.

    Arcade Mis Fire: Fencing, Tennis Table and Vietnam

    Blue Plate Special: Nepal, Bahamas and Slovakia.

    First World Problem: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Synchronized swimming, Philippines

    Fake Art 101 PRO: Malawi, Cape Verde, and Tennis

    DIY Tattoo PRO: São Tomé and Príncipe, Finland, and Argentina

    Factory Art PRO: Marshall Island, Latvia and Guatemala

    Art Starzzz PRO: Sudan, Belize and Congo

    Counter Culture PRO: Seychelles, Maldives and Columbia

    First World Problem PRO: American Samoa, Somalia and Virgin Island

    Blue Plate Special PRO: Mauritius, and Refugee Olympic Athletes

    Draw Manga PRO: Switzerland, Andorra, Turkmenistan

    Anime Expo PRO: Chile, Israel and Estonia.

    Cosplay Please PRO: Liechtenstein , Kosovo, and Golf

    ENJOI J-POP PRO: France, Honduras and Rhythmic Gymnastics

    Fake Art 101 Super PRO: Cameroon, Botswana, Saint Vincent, Lesotho, and Athletics.

    DIY Super PRO: Iran, Iraq, Liberia, and Serbia.

    Factory Art Super PRO: Macedonia smth, Canoe Slalom, Saint Lucia, Armenia and Cook Islands.

    Art Starzzz Super PRO: Paraguay, Nigeria, Tunisia, Ethiopia, and Cycling Mountain Bike.

    please let me know if I missed anything. ?ty
  5. Made a tracker with the help of friends ? Hope this helps! Contribute by posting here or walling me

  6. Can only ONE PERSON make these list? :roll: as I'm scrolling down I see the list missing parties and drops or the same list posted again but by a different person and if you're making a list at least add some bb code and it make it look organized and pleasing to the eye. :?
  7. Still many pins are missing maybe they will come as free like USA or as daily gifts or from boxes

  8. Big in Japan PRO: Sweden, Malaysia, Dominican Republic

    Arcade Misfire PRO: Papua New Guinea, El Salvador, Marathon Swimming

    Back Alley PRO: Turkey, Georgia, Uruguay
  9. Updating the list right now. 
  10. Cat Cafe: Angola, Cycling Track, Volleyball, Oman, Wrestling, Sailing, UAE and Eritrea.

    Pizza Pop Art: Shooting, Basketball, Equestrian, Cayman Island, Maurltania, Bahrain, Brunei and Russian Federation.


    Fake Art 101: Hockey, Bulgaria and Tanzania.

    DIY: Portugal, Syria, and Canoe Sprint.

    Factory Art: Canada, Costa Rica, Saint Kitts, and Nevis.

    Hype Machine: Kuwait, Ecuador and Cambodia.

    Art Starzzz: Gabon, and Mali

    BAD: Italy, Cuba, and Guyana.

    Prank Primer: Barbados, Volleyball and Lithuania.

    Frisbee Follies: Republic of Moldova, South Sudan and Bhutan.

    All Roads lead to Beer: New Zealand, Palau and Timor-Leste

    Restless Keg Syndrome: Monaco, South Africa and Guinea Bissau

    BRO Step: Micronesia, British Virgin Island, and Burkina Faso

    Fitspiration: Lao, Madagascar and Comoros.

    Afternoon Delight: Triathlon, Croatia, Barbuda and Antigua.

    Cabana Cool: Spain, Archery and Venezuela

    Waitlisted: Trinidad and Tobago, Niger and Football.

    Just Dance: Romania, Senegal, and Suriname

    Limo Luxury: Libya, Montenegro, and Palestine

    Skyhigh: Hungary, Badminton and Zimbabwe

    Draw Manga: Tajikistan, Swaziland and Trampoline Gymnastics.

    Noodle Express: Diving, Qatar and Ghana.

    ENJOI J-POP: Bangladesh, Rugby Sevens and Modern Pentathlon

    Cosplay Please: Judo, Thailand and Mongolia.

    Anime Expo: Democratic people's Republic of Korea, Malta, and Singapore

    Big In Japan: Bolivia, Nauru and Guinea

    Counter Culture: Hong Kong, Rowing and San Marino.

    Dumpster Dive: Albania, Weightlifting and Republic of Korea

    No Hand Brakes: Tuvalu, Australia and Rwanda.

    Arcade Mis Fire: Fencing, Tennis Table and Vietnam

    Blue Plate Special: Nepal, Bahamas and Slovakia.

    First World Problem: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Synchronized swimming, Philippines


    Fake Art 101 PRO: Malawi, Cape Verde, and Tennis

    DIY Tattoo PRO: São Tomé and Príncipe, Finland, and Argentina

    Factory Art PRO: Marshall Island, Latvia and Guatemala

    Back Alley Debut PRO: Turkey, Georgia, Uruguay

    Hype Machine PRO: Kenya, Puerto Rico, and Afghanistan

    Art Starzzz PRO: Sudan, Belize and Congo

    Counter Culture PRO: Seychelles, Maldives and Columbia

    Arcade Mis Fire PRO: Papua New Guinea, El Salvador, and Marathon Swimming

    First World Problem PRO: American Samoa, Somalia and Virgin Island

    Blue Plate Special PRO: Mauritius, and Refugee Olympic Athletes

    Draw Manga PRO: Switzerland, Andorra, Turkmenistan

    Anime Expo PRO: Chile, Israel and Estonia.

    Cosplay Please PRO: Liechtenstein , Kosovo, and Golf

    ENJOI J-POP PRO: France, Honduras and Rhythmic Gymnastics

    Big In Japan PRO: Sweden, Malaysia, and Dominican Republic


    Fake Art 101 Super PRO: Cameroon, Botswana, Saint Vincent, Lesotho, and Athletics.

    DIY Super PRO: Iran, Iraq, Liberia, and Serbia.

    Factory Art Super PRO: Macedonia smth, Canoe Slalom, Saint Lucia, Armenia and Cook Islands.

    Art Starzzz Super PRO: Paraguay, Nigeria, Tunisia, Ethiopia, and Cycling Mountain Bike.

    please let me know if I missed anything. ?ty
  11. Skyhigh PRO dropped silver medals, Belgium, Pakistan, Central African Republic.
  12. is this all done? 246 pins
  13. Which party drops Indian pin ?
  14. Cat Cafe: Angola, Cycling Track, Volleyball, Oman, Wrestling, Sailing, UAE and Eritrea.

    Pizza Pop Art: Shooting, Basketball, Equestrian, Cayman Island, Maurltania, Bahrain, Brunei and Russian Federation.


    Fake Art 101: Hockey, Bulgaria and Tanzania.

    DIY: Portugal, Syria, and Canoe Sprint.

    Factory Art: Canada, Costa Rica, Saint Kitts, and Nevis.

    Hype Machine: Kuwait, Ecuador and Cambodia.

    Art Starzzz: Gabon, and Mali

    BAD: Italy, Cuba, and Guyana.

    Prank Primer: Barbados, Volleyball and Lithuania.

    Frisbee Follies: Republic of Moldova, South Sudan and Bhutan.

    All Roads lead to Beer: New Zealand, Palau and Timor-Leste

    Restless Keg Syndrome: Monaco, South Africa and Guinea Bissau

    BRO Step: Micronesia, British Virgin Island, and Burkina Faso

    Fitspiration: Lao, Madagascar and Comoros.

    Afternoon Delight: Triathlon, Croatia, Barbuda and Antigua.

    Cabana Cool: Spain, Archery and Venezuela

    Waitlisted: Trinidad and Tobago, Niger and Football.

    Just Dance: Romania, Senegal, and Suriname

    Limo Luxury: Libya, Montenegro, and Palestine

    Skyhigh: Hungary, Badminton and Zimbabwe

    Draw Manga: Tajikistan, Swaziland and Trampoline Gymnastics.

    Noodle Express: Diving, Qatar and Ghana.

    ENJOI J-POP: Bangladesh, Rugby Sevens and Modern Pentathlon

    Cosplay Please: Judo, Thailand and Mongolia.

    Anime Expo: Democratic people's Republic of Korea, Malta, and Singapore

    Big In Japan: Bolivia, Nauru and Guinea

    Counter Culture: Hong Kong, Rowing and San Marino.

    Dumpster Dive: Albania, Weightlifting and Republic of Korea

    No Hand Brakes: Tuvalu, Australia and Rwanda.

    Arcade Mis Fire: Fencing, Tennis Table and Vietnam

    Blue Plate Special: Nepal, Bahamas and Slovakia.

    First World Problem: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Synchronized swimming, Philippines


    Fake Art 101 PRO: Malawi, Cape Verde, and Tennis

    DIY Tattoo PRO: São Tomé and Príncipe, Finland, and Argentina

    Factory Art PRO: Marshall Island, Latvia and Guatemala

    Art Starzzz PRO: Sudan, Belize and Congo

    Hype Machine PRO: Kenya, Puerto Rico, and Afghanistan

    Back Alley Debut PRO: Turkey, Georgia, Uruguay

    Counter Culture PRO: Seychelles, Maldives and Columbia

    Arcade Mis Fire PRO: Papua New Guinea, El Salvador, and Marathon Swimming

    First World Problem PRO: American Samoa, Somalia and Virgin Island

    Blue Plate Special PRO: Mauritius, and Refugee Olympic Athletes

    Draw Manga PRO: Switzerland, Andorra, Turkmenistan

    Anime Expo PRO: Chile, Israel and Estonia.

    Cosplay Please PRO: Liechtenstein , Kosovo, and Golf

    ENJOI J-POP PRO: France, Honduras and Rhythmic Gymnastics

    Big In Japan PRO: Sweden, Malaysia, and Dominican Republic

    Sky High PRO: Belgium, Pakistan, and Central African Republic


    Fake Art 101 Super PRO: Cameroon, Botswana, Saint Vincent, Lesotho, and Athletics.

    DIY Super PRO: Iran, Iraq, Liberia, and Serbia.

    Factory Art Super PRO: Macedonia smth, Canoe Slalom, Saint Lucia, Armenia and Cook Islands.

    Art Starzzz Super PRO: Paraguay, Nigeria, Tunisia, Ethiopia, and Cycling Mountain Bike.

    please let me know if I missed anything. ?ty
  15. Dumpster Dive PRO dropped bronze medals, Grenada, Chad, Togo.

  16. Limo Luxury PRO: Norway, Netherlands, Ukraine
  17. What parties are left?