
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, Jul 23, 2016.

  1. Before I could speak took my voice.
    Compare my being to a choice.
    Push me to the brink of my limits.
    Expect me to be weak and timid?!!!


    I'm just not willing to bend the knee.
    Victim or villain no in between.
    I'm either viewed as exception or unfortunately.
    Judged as guilty unproportionately.

    Compared to yours my stress is magnified.
    Always swept up into the mass divide.
    They seem to want for me to be pacified.
    Your hate for my words keeps the past alive.

    ...lyrical mastermind.

    And... you thought I wrote just to pass the time.
    I write because half the time.
    In my songs is the only place
    I don't have to lie.

    I don't have play pretend.
    Don't have to fake and be the friend....
    That bites his tongue every five seconds.
    That stays silent when police try and check him.

    All we really want is to be free...
    But they don't really care bout you and me.(us)
    What will it take for them to see?
    Feels like there is no place for you and me.

    Somebody once told me we're all one.
    The fight just won't end till we've all won.
    Look at the damage we've all done.
    Point out the faults when we've all some.

    Government took my rights away.
    So right away I start to write away.
    Think suicide before they take life away.
    But I'm pretty sure they'd take my knife away.

    So I do what I'm forced to do.
    Hope that I'm just not on course with you.
    But if I am then I guess I invited...
    For my race to be highlighted.
  2. wasnt punisher the one who made freaky song threads? where did he go?
  3. no lil man jokes from me today chill...this is nice #blacklivesmatter
  4. No punisher posted lyrics from an artist "NL"...
    I just write what I am feeling at the moment... At that moment.
  5. Thank you.
  6. Thanks. Means nothing coming from you.?
  7. Thanks for reading
  8. people should be banned for bumping crappy threads
  9. O whale
  10. we already have an idiot posting lyrics, amazing now we have two
  11. I've been writing for at least a year in off-topics. You've been fail trolling possibly longer. Sorry you can't be more creative...
  12. I'll consider it... Just for you?
  13. O ty bb u gt much aarp
  14. cool prove us more that you are an idiot, i havent been here a year so how was i trolling before that
  15. Nahh. Check WC though... No shortage of late night rpers waiting to fulfill your spanking fantasies
  16. I'm sure you've been trolling since the day you were born... Pretty sure your mom agrees?