Today's PimD update

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by YourFutureExHusband, Jul 21, 2016.

  1. i really like the one currently in the play store! i feel like it's a better representation of the app
  2. That's great feedback! Thanks for sharing <3
  3. Don't even see why ppl are mad u made a thread about it not like there are any good threads anyway
  4. yes, mine also freezes for a few seconds as well
  5. It use to happen to me a couple weeks ago, so it might not be because of the update
  6. Mine has been for days. But I wasn't gonna say anything.
  7. Yes. I actually did do feedback today. They said it is my network. I'm doubtful since others have the problem.
  8. I'm kinda dissapointing in ata they changed the logo and the pictures they have on the playstore but the pictures are the same just with new Avis on them. Still the old text. And so some of things they say don't make sense. Like the picture that had the quirky girl doesn't make sense now and the bro one doesn't now

    Oops now reading a bit grant said it was just a test one. But still it bothers me
  9. Fr! And she even got grant's response!
  10. Forums has gotten worse over the years
  11. Exactly they won't even run up
  12. I laughed
  13. this happens to me as well but it always sorts itself out. it also freezes for a few seconds before the video starts
  14. Mine also freezes on my home page for maybe 15 seconds and then I get my tokens and it's done, this happens with most of the ads but not all
  15. My app just freezes all time same on alt others players have issues to all since dam update

  16. Sexy eyes
  17. Pretty ?
  18. Thanks everyone for reporting this issue.

    We've been able to replicate it on our end as well and the developers will talking with the video providers about finding a fix.