Parties of the Day

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by Jerk123123, Jul 25, 2015.

  1. Blue plate dropped uk got 224 so far
  2. To Europe, with Love

    Here is a party tracker so we can find what each party drops


    Hype Machine France280
    Diy Tattoo.       France221
    Dumpster DiveFrance224
    Frisbee FolliesFrance112
    Anime Expo    France377

    N. H. B.       Greece165
    All Roads.  Greece112
    Factory ArtGreece253
    Back Alley Greece314

    Counter C. UK108
    Blue Plate. UK224
    Just DanceUK268
    Cosplay P. UK336
  3. Prank Primer dropped about 53
  4. To Europe, with Love

    Here is a party tracker so we can find what each party drops



    Hype Machine France280
    Diy Tattoo.       France221
    Dumpster DiveFrance224
    Frisbee FolliesFrance112
    Anime Expo    France377

    N. H. B.       Greece165
    All Roads.  Greece112
    Factory ArtGreece253
    Back Alley Greece314

    Counter C. UK108
    Blue Plate. UK224
    Just DanceUK268
    Cosplay P. UK336
    Prank PrimerUK84
  5. Fake art drops UK 112
  6. Fake Art 101 (SUPER PRO) dropped 986 UK
  7. Fake art drops uk
  8. Bro step dropped France 336
  9. So I take it cat cafe drops all :lol:
  10. Counter Culture Pro Drops 630 UK Stamps
  11. Art starzzz drops uk 
  12. Fake Art 101 drops UK, done by Boon Dock Saints
  13. Cabana Cool drops France
  14. United Kingdom Stickers

    • [*]Prank Primer: 84
      [*]Counter Culture: 108[*]Fake Art 101: 122[*]Blue Plate Special: 224[*] Art Starzzz: 256[*]Just Dance!:268[*]Cosplay Please: 336 [*] Counter Culture (PRO): 630[*]Fake Art 101 (SUPER PRO): 986

    Greece Stickers

    • [*]All Roads Lead To Beer: 112[*]No Hand Brakes: 165[*]Wait-Listed: 336[*]Factory Art: 253 [*]Back Alley Debut: 314

    France Stickers

    • [*]Frisbee Follies: 112 [*]DIY Tattoo: 221 [*]Dumpster Dive: 224 [*] Cabana Cool: 254[*]Hype Machine: 280[*] IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH!: 336[*]Anime Expo: 377

    Parties Needed To Be Checked

    • [*] Afternoon Delight [*] Arcade (Mis)fire  [*] Big In Japan  [*] Draw Manga [*] Enjoi J-POP!   [*] First World Problems [*] Fitspiration [*] Frisbee Follies    [*] Limo Luxury [*] Noodle Express [*] Prank Primer [*] Restless Keg Syndrome [*] Skyhigh Party [*] Wait-Listed

    • [*] Afternoon Delight (PRO) [*] Anime Expo (PRO) [*] Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) [*] Art Starzzz (PRO) [*] Back Alley Debut (PRO) [*] Big In Japan (PRO) [*] Blue Plate Special (PRO) [*] Cabana Cool (PRO)  [*] Cosplay Please (PRO) [*] DIY Tattoo (PRO) [*] Draw Manga (PRO) [*] Dumpster Dive (PRO) [*] Enjoi J-POP! (PRO) [*] Factory Art (PRO) [*] Fake Art 101 (PRO) [*] First World Problems (PRO) [*] Hype Machine (PRO) [*] Just Dance! (PRO) [*] Limo Luxury (PRO) [*] Noodle Express (PRO) [*] No Hand Brakes (PRO) [*] Skyhigh Party (PRO) [*] Wait-Listed (PRO)

    • [*]DIY Tattoo (SUPER PRO)
  15. DIY super pro drops France sticker
  16. United Kingdom Stickers

    • [*]Prank Primer: 84
      [*]Counter Culture: 108[*]Fake Art 101: 122[*]Blue Plate Special: 224[*] Art Starzzz: 256[*]Just Dance!:268[*]Cosplay Please: 336 [*] Counter Culture (PRO): 630[*]Fake Art 101 (SUPER PRO): 986

    Greece Stickers

    • [*]All Roads Lead To Beer: 112[*]No Hand Brakes: 165[*]Factory Art: 253 [*]Back Alley Debut: 314 [*]Wait-Listed: 336

    France Stickers

    • [*]Frisbee Follies: 112 [*]DIY Tattoo: 221 [*]Dumpster Dive: 224 [*] Cabana Cool: 254[*]Hype Machine: 280[*] IT'S BROSTEP, BRAH!: 336[*]Anime Expo: 377 [*]DIY Tattoo (SUPER PRO): 1037

    Parties Needed To Be Checked

    • [*] Afternoon Delight [*] Arcade (Mis)fire  [*] Big In Japan  [*] Draw Manga [*] Enjoi J-POP!   [*] First World Problems [*] Fitspiration [*] Frisbee Follies    [*] Limo Luxury [*] Noodle Express [*] Prank Primer [*] Restless Keg Syndrome [*] Skyhigh Party [*] Wait-Listed

    • [*] Afternoon Delight (PRO) [*] Anime Expo (PRO) [*] Arcade (Mis)fire (PRO) [*] Art Starzzz (PRO) [*] Back Alley Debut (PRO) [*] Big In Japan (PRO) [*] Blue Plate Special (PRO) [*] Cabana Cool (PRO)  [*] Cosplay Please (PRO) [*] DIY Tattoo (PRO) [*] Draw Manga (PRO) [*] Dumpster Dive (PRO) [*] Enjoi J-POP! (PRO) [*] Factory Art (PRO) [*] Fake Art 101 (PRO) [*] First World Problems (PRO) [*] Hype Machine (PRO) [*] Just Dance! (PRO) [*] Limo Luxury (PRO) [*] Noodle Express (PRO) [*] No Hand Brakes (PRO) [*] Skyhigh Party (PRO) [*] Wait-Listed (PRO)
  17. FWP dropped Greece iOS here
    But I think maximum is around 280? Not sure
  18. DIY tattoo super pro dropped France
  19. Arcade Miss Fire drops France stickers checked by Rebel Outlaws