Right so if you claim it's about knowledge on what you think is a noob. Then why are you calling me a noob ? You don't know me at all ๎ and I've been on this game for a couple of years now.
Because you think making a thread had anymore hope than using jerk's thread. And you think a noob is a small person. Noob
Well we have had a couple of people contact us since this thread. So I think it's been pretty successful. And yes that's just my opinion it's quite obviously when talking to someone with low stats if they're new or just reset or its an alt
Yeah my friend knows him and doesn't like him ๎ she has her reasons. Do people not think I haven't checked through jerks forum already ? I went back to like Page 250. Hence why I made this to hopefully find at least one person. Which we have so my goal for the forum has been achieved
Let the noob post what she wants already Scrubs make one worded threads Who says that any rs requests must be made on Jerk's thread anyway? If I wanted an rs and I felt like making my own thread about it then I would Rest of you could suck my toe for all I care Just saying ?