club upgrades

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SoftKitty, Jul 18, 2016.

  1. Not sure if this will count as low effort or not but I got ideas so shut up and read!

    1-Ban buttons
    Actual bans so someone can't change there name and reapply to club

    2-Required strength entry
    A setting that allows club owner to set a min CS required for anyone to be allowed to apply

    3- Admin reinstatement
    A setting that allows owner to make someone an admin and if they leave but return in a set amount of time admin is given back automatically

    4- Banners
    Make banners/ads an actual thing and when one is posted a small join button is under the post

    5-war match making
    Matching making for wars..for clubs who want war but it's not always easy to find people manually/ also maybe a stat sync idk

    I'll make a another post with the other five later.. Thanks for the people who gonna read this crap :D
  2. Very nice ideas. The one that did capture my attention is number 1. I think that would be a great add-on to the app.
  3. Great ideas.  I like the Banners one.
  4. They're not bad ideas. 4 sounds a little too complicated, though, so I'd skip it. The others are good, though not absolutely necessary.
    The matching system for wars would be only useful or required if there were iWars, but devs stated they do not intend to bring iWars back any soon...
    Ban button could save some bad moments, though not really needed; min. stats could make door job easier, but again not a must...would just be a nice help but could also complicate things if u need to change the min. stats every time u need to do an exception...
  5. 'so shut up and read'
    Rude af
    Lost me there
  6. I'm aware they are not needed, but whenever was the last time the game had an update that was absolutely needed?
  7. Support!!
  8. No offence but i thought this thread would be stupid... pleasantly surprised. Theyre fairly good ideas. Support darling ?
  9. nice ideas. you poured em nicely. support!!
  10. they're all pretty good ideas but I don't think #3 is that great tbh. if you're an admin you shouldn't leave the club to an extend that it bothers the owner.
  11. Support
  12. Nice ideas!
    Support! 
  13. Nicely scribbled and compiled..

    Support anyway.. Would b a nice help in running a club..