Heaven Vs Hell Idea

Discussion in 'Fan Creations' started by Devil001, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. So whilst brainstorming today, I came up with a great idea for a little competition that we could hold for a few days or so and it's called...

    Wait for it

    Heaven VS Hell

    So Some Basic Things?

    -This Hunt Will Be Based Off Of What Side You Get Placed On. For example, for $5 in game dollars, you purchase a Casket, and it places you on a team (either heaven or hell)

    -After you are placed you will have an opportunity to collect Souls, which are dropped from POTD, and once you reach 400 souls, you receive a Key, which you can use to open a Case which will be Heaven or Hell themed, based on your Team.

    -Inside The Case there will be Rare Avatars [1/100 chance] Common avatars [1/10 chance or a Halo or a Trident.

    This, of course is NOT a finished project, and if I get enough support, i will set up a team to help make this Hunt possible?

    Let me know what you guys think?
  2. Sounds kinda cool. Support 
  3. I support this ayy. And the Avas can be like normal Angels girls in cute whute dresses and wings, and guys in white shirts and long hair. And rare ones God and like maybe something like greek God. And hell can be like sinners maybe like tatooed lady wery slim with heels and visible colored hair (like difdrent rooth n stuff) and the guy like evil smile and an axe or smth, and the rare should me either Marlyn Manson themed or Devil or even Brendon Urie (his fanbase is called sinners, makes sense) and for the girls it can be like female cute vers. of Jeff the killer. Idk that would be great
  4. I like it.I Support.
  5. Support!
  6. I Support this totally
  7. Support
  8. Tottaly into this